
@badbob001: That's how I've been doing it and it works fine, it's just the one scenario which it screws up I guess. Either way I only have one more year of email to copy over then I'm done.

@Platypus Man: I use it fairly often. The interface kind of sucks, but it gets the job done and I guess it's better to have it lacking than to be confusing and over the top. #television

@1112: Yeap, that is one plus with Silverlight, make our GPUs put in some work. #youtube

My updates go to twitter and fb, but I never pay attention to Twitter... After seeing this I just noticed I haven't been logged in via Twitterfox and I have hundreds upon hundreds of unread tweets that I never will read.

@tombuch: The article talks about getting your doctor to match the insurance estimate. It's not talking about getting your doctor to inflate it enough or add stuff you don't need so you don't have to pay. #savingmoney

@frigg: Considering Apple lost something like 180 million the previous quarter and had to secure another 150 million to restructure I don't think I would say it was insignificant. They had just bought NeXT for 350 million to boot and were shooting for a 700 million loss.

@someToast: It did, but part of that was Office for the Mac and bundling IE (not that IE was a good thing).

@badbob001: If you do not transfer folders over and transfer individual emails they wind up in your inbox as if they came in today (2nd one in my inbox is from 2002) even though the email date shows correctly within the email itself.

@DH405: Bad ass, I haven't tried it since IMAP was still new (new to Gmail obviously). Looks like I know what my old computer is doing later.

While I like the concept and agree with the premise it won’t fix the issue with trying to keep up with all of these services. The major problem with using these services is not the interface with which we interact. The problem is the actual content itself. No matter what interface is dreamed up to deal with these

@badbob001: hmm... It used to screw up the dates, I guess maybe they fixed it?! #gmail

@hofi @DH405: All of the dates are replaced with today's date (today being the date I transfer them) which is why I haven't done it with IMAP.