
@NorwoodIsMyHero: I've been using gmail for over 5 years and have around 2gb now. I would have over 8 or 9 gb (have all my email back to like '96), but you still can't just upload a pst to gmail so it will more than likely never be merged.

@cc82: I mentioned it above, but there are some kick ass honey bourbons out there. #cold

I have always thought SoCo tastes like children’s liquid Tylenol anyways...

@NorwoodIsMyHero: haha I hear that, my Mom didn't hesitate to "make me understand" things growing up... It just didn't work too well once I was 17 ;) #creditcards

@TheOtherHalf: I've had a few problems... First off I tried to install their firewall awhile back and it failed during the install process. After that I couldn't install because the installer said it was already installed, but it wasn't. It took me hours and hours to resolve it, it was an absolute nightmare and of

@NorwoodIsMyHero: My first card had a $250 limit and my Mom told me that if I racked it up it would go on ice. You don't need to be rich with a low credit limit.

@ph15h: Do they still allow you to get a co-signer? That is how I got my first card back when I was 17 (16 years ago). #creditcards

@DangerousLiberal: There is, if you go on the state websites it's all over the place, plus it is in the state provided example leases. You aren't bound to keep the verbiage in there, but if you don't see it in the lease it should toss up a red flag because the states include it in theirs.

@DangerousLiberal: More often than not they count on people not doing anything about it. I had a landlord screw us out of our deposit more than once which I think is why we are better about it than they were.

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: I would just make sure it's not a mess. Odds are they are going to have to paint and update some stuff once you move out unless they had been updating it while you lived there. #renting

@djsmiley2k: I try to be as nice as possible and most of us expect wear and tear especially when dealing with students. I think that "evil landlord stealing your money" is a much better story than "I'm an asshole, trashed the place, and forfeited my security deposit"... Sure there are bad landlords, but I don't

The standard lease in every state I have lived in contains a checklist (it doesn't have to be included, but it is standard practice). It's there for a reason which is to protect the tenant as well as the landlord.

@Namu Eric Williams: I tell my tenants when they sign the lease to immediately create a checklist of anything they find that isn't right so we can both see any damage that they find and allow me to sign off on it. That is how you prevent any confusion a year or two or five down the road.

I cheat, I have a basement... My house was built in 1919 so there are plenty of holes in the floor already under molding and what not. When I wired a couple of the rooms I didn't even have to bust out the Dewalt.

@jwmelvin: I've been working in IT for 15 years; I view anything random in my personal life is a good thing! ;) #psychology

@winshape: I'm with you, I really wish Money wasn't done for. For me, it was more about the manual entry, but the forecasts are handy. #mint

@wildeyedboy: When I'm out with my wife I assign things letters in my head and ask her "Pick A, B, or C". #psychology

@TheFu: The guy who wrote this directions must know what he is doing, he shares my initials... ;) #operatingsystems

@DustbinK: It's a PITA to re-login to everything and this problem has been around far too long. As most people will attest too the ONLY thing FF has going for it anymore (sure you could state .001ms speed improvements, but really, no multi core, no tab processes, etc) are the addons/plugs.