
I only drink black coffee (to avoid the fat and now I'm used to it), but on occasion I will get an iced raspberry latte in the summer (no fat cream).

@Doomstalk: That site is doggin too...

Razor on this PC, natural on the others.

@cyriene: hahah yea... I loved the weather down there! The problem was my boss was like a rich old man on South Beach, but instead of stealing the ladies, he was stealing my credit.

@msteve1: Mint can't handle it either without manual entry unfortunately. Between paying cash for many of the things I buy, my main bank being a smaller credit union, and my investing it's manual process for the most part anyways. The automated functions do save time, but honestly, not all that much. I've had a few

What a forking mess Detroit is (where I'm from) and there is no way I would move to DC if I was out of work so should the need arise, Jacksonville or Austin/Dallas/Houston here I come!

We have been using Money for ages so I don't see any reason to switch. I'm sure one day it will have to happen simply due to the lack of support, but until then, I'm good.

While it was great that they were adding Exchange support, it's bad ass that they are adding Outlook. Even if you hate MS you have to admit that their enterprise solutions by and large kick ass. NT, 2000, 2003, 2008, Exchange, Sharepoint (yes I know most people hate it), SMS, and the list goes on.

@jacalata: If it looked for common words for you to remove I think it would be more my style ;)

The whole refresh thing isn’t relevant to me as I break the search down as I go.

I’ll have to check this out… I use syncback for personal stuff and Live Mesh for everything else (even for syncing GreatNews).

@Gina Trapani: I tried that when they enabled IMAP way back when and it nuked my time stamps... I'll have to try it out again because that would be great if it works now. I still have a huge pst from 97-03 I want to import as well (yes 1997 lol).

It really pisses me off that Gmail doesn’t allow you to do this by default. I know it’s because they don’t want you to be able to just up and leave, but come on… I hate the backup utilities and pop is a problem for backup because if you need to import it back into Gmail (account was closed or similar) you loose all of

MS how dare you format Word documents!

@nemo: The court is a farce which is why these cases always end up there.