
I worked in a New York style deli in college.  Meat slicers are terrifyingly dangerous.  

Actually Skype was acquired by Microsoft 9 years ago in 2011.

I hadn’t considered the parts issue. Good call on that.

Still doesn’t change the fact that car sales are nearly non-existent.  There’s no demand.  Certainly nowhere near enough to justify restarting production and pumping hundreds of thousands of additional vehicles onto the market.  They’re gonna be sitting for a long time.  The result will be fantastic deals for buyers

Definitely.  I live in Pennsylvania and all car dealerships here are closed under state order as non-essential businesses.  You can’t even buy a car here right now.  

Higher than expected demand?  Nobody is buying cars right now.  What point is there to resuming production only to flood the dormant market with cars nobody is buying?  I don’t see any upside.

Why is this posted on Jalopnik?  

Wow, this scroll-through article format is incredibly annoying.  

This is a great piece and one I certainly didn’t expect to read today. I just turned 50. Went through a period in the late 90s when I really liked 311, especially because during that time I lived in Colorado and was doing a lot of snowboarding and smoking grass. It was a vibe. Honestly, I haven’t intentionally listed

Wow, bud....did I strike a nerve?  Relax, it’s a long week.  

Funny...my kids don’t get paid anything to go to elementary school...yet they’re held to basic grammar and writing standards.  

Thanks, Andrew.  Yeah, it is getting pretty bad around here.  

Dude, this person gets paid to write.  Furthermore she’s the Managing Editor of the site.  If my 10 year old turned a writing assignment like this in to his 4th grade teacher he’d be graded accordingly.  

Also, I just realized this Erin Marquis is apparently the Managing Editor of Jalopnik now.  Wow.  

I can’t believe I missed that!

It was huge and ungainly, with a perchance for understeer thanks to the turbocharger kinda tact on to the front (hence the Blower name) but it was still incredibly fast.

The “journalistic” bar is very low these days at Jalopnik. 

Based on the rubbish spewing out of this website and the others across the former Gawker family recently, yes....they are that desperate for clicks.

Pittsburgh...with an “h”.

Who drinks drip coffee outside of diners these days?  90+% of households.  

Who drinks drip coffee outside of diners these days?  90+% of households.