
Baller move. Yeah, don’t tell people things will be outside and then just construct a building in an outdoor space. That just makes it inside again! I’ve seen so many restaurants do this - offer outdoor space, then essentially build another building in the street with four walls and a ceiling. You just recreated

For starters, Apple’s MagSafe Battery Pack has a capacity of just 1,460 mAh, according to labels on the back of the accessory. The iPhone 12 Mini, 12, 12 Pro, and 12 Pro Max have battery capacities of 2,227 mAh, 2,815 mAh, 2,815 mAh, and 3,687 mAh, respectively.

With 14 years of ownership of 2 VW Phaetons (both V8s), I can totally say the VW Phaeton’s reliability infamy is more myth than true:

Sure but it’s not her fucking fault the state Supreme Court removed her ability to make emergency declarations without approval from the state legislature. She literally can’t do as you suggest without convincing a bunch of conservative Republican dumbasses to go along with it, which isn’t going to happen.

I have something similar from Spigen (not metal though) for a fraction of the price that works just as well

How sad that the GOP has fallen so far. I know a lot of people will say “They were always like this..”. Thats simply not true. I have never joined a party, nor will I ever, but I did tend to vote R until Obama got elected. I feel like the party really went off the rails at that time, and I could no longer in any way

Ahhh... so he’s an incel too. Good to know.

ROFL...neighbors and parents “discovered” the site, huh? Any word on which dad or dads outed her to the rest? Jesus is fine with us LOOKING at OnlyFans, apparently...it’s only the posters who need to be kicked out. You couldn’t pay me to send my kids to a Catholic school. 

Erik, I feel like we were watching two completely different races, because this had to be one of the two or three worst Daytona 500s I’ve ever watched or tried to watch. The late start followed by the early “big one” followed immediately by a six-and-a-half hour red flag, followed by insisting on finishing the race at

A year later, they’ve found a hidden story of how the continents are growing farther apart—not pulled from either side by subduction zones, as previously believed, but perhaps being pushed apart by magma bulging up at the center of the ocean.

Now playing

The haunting music and open spaces of Sigur Rós - Route One is worth a look. I remember semi-watching it with my husband... admittedly a little bored at first (when it starts out in Reykjavík), then gradually mesmerized as the countryside appeared. And becoming genuinely excited when we saw another car! Or passed a


Uh yeah...”Finally, my time has come!!”...

5,547 and counting in 1/64, 1/43, 1/32, 1/24, 1/25 and 1/18 scales, finished models and kits, and many customized die-cast, all organized in an OCD friendly visual database and storage system by scale, manufacturer, make, year and type of vehicle.

But then I don’t know why that same person wouldn’t want to go for the Tesla Model X Performance.”

Ride in one, and consider what it would be like to be required to drive it all day, every day, in order to make your living. That’ll change your mind.

Have you read Erik before?  He’s pretty universally known for terrible takes.

“...are now terrified and angry that they or their loved ones might have covid...”

The only guy that’s proud to live in a box under the freeway bridge. Lighten up it’s holiday season.

Shouldn’t this article be about how iOS users can make their iPhone look like an Android? Maybe it is just me but this article comes across like “oh look at what iPhone can do, and Android can imitate it” as if Android couldn’t do this all along.