Snacktaku: An Amusing Recurring Column You Should Be Used To By Now
Snacktaku: An Amusing Recurring Column You Should Be Used To By Now
Dammit Kinja.
+1 burnt mansion
Personally, I'm kind of partial to "HENRIQUE!!! IT'S OVER!!!"
Dear Penthouse:
I may have missed a few commas... OOHH, BROWNIES!
I just still want to know why (UNALTERED!) Walternate never became NEARLY as intellectually powerful as unaltered 'prime' Walter, especially considering the alternate universe's seemingly more advanced tech. Unless you just want to blame the entire series' events on William Bell.
My point is that 'erasing Peter' (which was really still Walter stealing young Peter from Walternate, but NOT getting Peter saved by September) shouldn't have changed Walternate's behavior so much.
My favorite candidate so far is John Scott, but it's maybe possible that Anti-Bell somehow exists in this timeline too.
Replying to agree, that was kind of awesome.
The question I have is why didn't Walternate become totally evil and try to create his own universe? He has a fully intact brain, better resources, and an army of subordinates willing to kill to achieve any goal he sets his mind on, yet after Peter used the machine and removed himself from the timeline he was willing…
I agree... It seems like almost everything that made this show "Fringe" ended after last season, and this year is a completely different (weaker) series.
By showing one possible future, returning to the present and changing things, then fast-forwarding to an entirely different future.
I second John Scott, whom I had totally forgotten about until just now. It would be pretty cool/kind of TV-appropriate to bring back a character that died in the first episode right near or even IN the finale.
$127<$199+ So I haven't been watching the Thursday night dumpster fire, but apparently this happened. (BONUS: titled this highlight "Right in the McNutt")