
As safe as modern cars are, a seatbelt may prevent damage to the windshield which have increasingly gone up in price with all the imbedded antennas, sensors and HUDs. Also, any damage that your body may do to other peoples property. But some times, automotive insurance is used as a secondary to pay for your own

Well in defense, not wearing a seatbelt as a driver in the 50s decreased your chance of being impailed by a steering column. Not sure about the statistics though. Just a theory.

My father used to race cars before I was born in 1982. To my knowledge, he and and my mother always wore seatbelts and made me do the same. I wonder if they’ve seen things.

I drive the long way home because I don’t want to drill holes into my car. My car my freedom. There’s a stupid front plate law that the state has been trying to remove for years but it keeps being attached to bills that get voted down. The police seem to target brightly colored sports cars, but ignore all the bland

As others have suggested, dig the road deeper. But from my experience, if it’s in the budget, the best solution would be to fill in everything below the train tracks, and build a bridge OVER the train tracks. We used to have an obnoxious road bridge that went over the highway. The solution was to elevate the highway,

Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.

Technically not wrong. Anything that records video or takes photos is a camera. Now, I will tell my daughter that “I’m out of film, or running out of film” on my phone, and she accepts this as fact, but I just say it because I personally find it amusing. Thankfully, I don’t have to get it developed.

Well, your area is centuries old. My town didn’t even incorporate until 1961, and even then, it stayed pretty rural up till the late 90s. And most towns around me are fairly similar, springing up overnight some seem. So my theory is that roundabouts are something incredibly strange and foreign to them. Definitely not

I got it all on tape!”

Got it all on tape”

My experience has been that roundabouts only replace 4 way stops when it is determined that not enough people know how to operate a 4 way stop. So when they’re added, guess what? People stop at them. No idea who they plan on yielding to, as most roundabouts here, you can’t see a across. They only start to move when

“Rolling coal” They’ll do it to Teslas even if their windows are up.

2012-2014 Toyota RAV4 EV

RAV4 EV. Only 2,489 sold. Sorry. It wouldn’t let me edit my original comment.

My husband bought a rare RAV EV. It was a compliance car only sold new in CA, and only 2600 were made in 2012-2014, with only 2,489. It’s not a very attractive car, blending in perfectly with all the other boring soccer mom mobiles. He bought it because Tesla teamed up with Toyota to make these. So it has Tesla

What about the 1998-2002 Ford Ranger EV? Beat Tesla to the market with an EV truck over two decades earlier.

“can receive an additional $2,500 if the vehicle is assembled in the U.S. and another $2,500 if it is assembled in a plant whose work force is represented by a union.”

Pretty much everything in the US was “gay” or “retarded” until the 21st century. That car is gay, this homework is gay, this website is retarded, this chair is retarded. I was called “gay” and “retarded” multiple times every single day of my social life until one day it wasn’t ok any more. Of course, the very people

I am not blaming the victim, as he definitely needs to get his money back, but he is carrying THAT much cash on him because he doesn’t trust banks? Banks are FDIC insured. I mean I’ve carried thousands of dollars, and it creeps me TFO. But under normal circumstances, no more than $100 cash, but typically no more than

I got a good one. I had a neighbor who bought a new yellow Golf. He modded the crap out of it. Looked ok, but two inches off the ground, always. Plus his camber was f’ed up. I think the worse thing he did was not pay it off first. The car was repossessed one day. A week later it was back. He apparently took out a loan