How many survived into adulthood?
How many survived into adulthood?
I grew up in Texas schools, schools that were considered to be great. Blue ribbon schools that people moved to just to get in. Despite our history books being extremely outdated, we never went past the early 60s. (It was the late 90s). We went on a field trip to a holocaust museum, right next to Dealey Plaza. Drove…
I personally don’t know anyone who was effected by the terrorism that day, other than severe paranoia of another attack. But from what I experienced of that day, and the weeks that followed, everyone was much nicer to everyone (common decency, politeness, etc), and most everyone became patriotic (more than a lifetime…
Starting a fire in a state notorious for uncontrollable spreading of fires...
Is it lower due to having fewer clinics? I would like to see a ratio or percentage. 50 out of 1000 shouldn’t look worse than 1 out of 10.
I was thinking this was actual Fake News, one which not only gave the resistance hope, but to also tear apart the White House from the inside. I like yours better.
“John McCain’s 106-year-old (!!!) mother will be at his funeral service in Washington DC.”
Not only was it amazing that he was able to acquire such records, but it was amazing that they seriously thought this could prove his legal birth. It sounds like one case worker wanted to give the guy hope, and another realized that illegal immigrants are still fully capable of existing in a country pregnant with some…
“Those who do not study history are doomed to WITCH HUNT!!!”
Took a trip to Anaheim last January, which is supposed to be a pretty wealthy city, and I literally had difficulty avoiding tripping over the homeless. The real misconception is that income covers cost of living. People make so much more money there, but CA as a whole is so freaking expensive to live in that people…
They’re afraid of the white minority. If the majority is Hispanic due to immigration and unwanted miracles that must NOT be aborted, and white people intermarry, the entire American culture changes. The US does not have an official language, but what if every school were a Spanish immersion school, and it were English…
“Richard Nixon, who lied so much and so often I’m not even sure Nixon was his real name”
South Park did it
I have often wondered why the wives of the men who are in power don’t do this themselves. ...either 1) they’re just another clueless follower 2) fear that if they don’t have sexual relations with their husbands, they’ll get it from someone else, or worse, divorce them. Or 3) already are, as their husbands have no…
I just love how she redeems herself by waiting till the only Muslim in the store leaves, to rip on the racist cashier, (who is dumb enough to think she can get away with saying such things on the clock), by reinforcing the belief that they will blow us all up if you’re mean to them. I get that Roseanne is all about…
Which the husband returned the favor by waking them up at the same time of night to reimburse them.
Nope. Homer Simpson. ...because it was only one episode, and within a season most people forgot about. That’s what made it good. Wait. No. Two episodes. I thought we were just talking about Muslims. Forgot about gays.
“Unless you’re hunting bears or something, what does anyone need a gun for??”
Thoughts and prayers
This is Texas. We still have the death penalty, and 17yos are ALWAYS tried as adults. He will have to live with his guilt for quite a while before his trial and execution. But hey, maybe we can finally test those new cocktails of drugs on someone worth testing on.