Emmitt's Malapropisms

Yes, you lowing moron, that is exactly what I am telling you. Different leagues have different policies when it comes to taking video. The NBA, for example, could not give less of a shit about people ripping video and putting it on the internet. The NFL used to not care that much, but has gotten more persnickety

Listen, fuck face, I would have loved to embed the video of the highlight, but the clip on MLB's site is currently "not available for sharing." And if we rip the video and post it on our own, we get a cease and desist letter. So take it up with them.

From what I've heard, you probably don't want DeSean Jackson around that many weapons.

"...when Carlos Quentin charged his returned from a broken left clavicle a month later and—as he actually upon his return."

You are wrong, pure and simple. The issue isn't that he obstructed her path but that he used enough force to kill the young lady. He could have easily obstructed her path by putting the baton in front of her but rather he pushed her with enough force that she could have easily suffered a skull fracture and

I don't usually like to pile on, but your posts are just embarrassing — to you and everyone else who served. I'm a vet too and I'm appalled at your overall tone. There is absolutely, positively, no way the police officer's actions in the video can be defended. You pretty much just crafted a "context" out of thin

"As Editor-in-Chief of Deadpsin, I assume ..."

hmm, you know the difference between research and a hunch? the difference between data and anecdote? UC has the former, you have the latter, they don't necessary exist on the same plane.

This is an honest to God real bracket that was submitted in my friend's office pool.

Pretty poor taste for all those EMTs to wear "Surprise" shirts. How did they even get them made so fast?!

Any excuse to post the greatest GIF of all time:

These are some of the most beautiful jerseys I have ever seen at any level. Minnesota is hockey heaven.


Stay Lassie!, Timmy

The USMNT will be based in Sao Paulo, which is a 4 hour flight from the site of the first game, Manaus. The second and third games will be played on the coast in Natal and Recife, both a 6 hour flight from Manaus, or a 3 hour flight from Sao Paolo. It's a lot of fucking travel.