Emmitt's Malapropisms

"Yo, this is totally going on ebaumsworld."

All good points. I am rocking a Viewsonic gTablet with CM7 right now. For my purposes (mostly couch browsing and watching movies/TV on the go) it is just fine. The only thing I really wish it had was HDMI out so I could hook it up to my TV, but for now I think I'll hold off on either of these. The prices can only go

Sammy Galaxy Tab 16gb vs Motorola Xoom 32gb: WHO YA GOT?

My girlfriend's work will pay for her data (voice and text are up to her). Not sure how that works when Sprint bundles everything together, but it looks like if they don't differentiate, then Verizon would in fact be the best deal for $59.99. This is based on the assumption that Verizon provides the best service of

I don't think I would mind using the newest IE since I've heard it's decent, but my employer is still on IE7.

It really bothers me when tech fanboys declare a device DOA before it even hits the shelves. I usually like to give a company the benefit of the doubt before writing off their product.

I find YouTube to be the location with the most insightful and articulate commenters.

I've used Hotmail. I prefer Gmail.

Can you apply the $10 GC to the Mad Men purchase or is it only for future purchases?


If you can't appreciate these videos for what they actually are, you're doing it wrong.

Last time I authorized Amazon to use my Twitter account, my account started spamming all my followers. I'm usually not paranoid about privacy stuff, but I'm going to pass on the free $5 this time.

I tried reading this post but all I saw was, "WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH."

What if Emmitt Smith make analysis with good grammars and sentences structures?


I figure this is a great place to ask this, since I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere else:

Google+ Huddles FTMFW.