Emmitt's Malapropisms

@John Tatum: The only ticket I've gotten since I purchased my Bel STi three years ago was a $100 fine for having a radar detector in Virginia. I wasn't even speeding; cop pulled up next to me and noticed it.

@aluisi: $250 more, aka twice the price. Some people live on some semblance of a budget.

@xaronax: I had a friend who had to register as a sex offender after he was cited for public urination.

A few questions for the more informed:

I don't even own a cable, let alone many cables that would necessitate an entire rack.

I'm still trying to figure out if George is the name of the dead guy or the guy playing against the dead guy or both, but then why would you choose for both guys to be named George in a hypothetical situation?

@Bobby Ostrich: Credit card mimimums are actually a violation of the merchant-credit card company agreement, but there's really nothing you can do about it without looking like a dick, declining the transaction, and reporting the violation to your credit card company.

The Tampa Bay Lightning also won the Stanley Cup in 2004, besting the Calgary Flames in 7 games. Because the Nielsen ratings do not count Canada, that series very well may have received a 0.0 share.

@dibs ODDJOB: If you want to pay for an app because you think the functionality will provide added value to your phone/life, go for it. It just doesn't make sense to me to pay for an app when a free one exists that is as good or better.

@dibs ODDJOB: Really? The best and second-best Android weather apps (as rated above) are both free, but you still choose the one that costs money?

Who in the world would pay $5 for a weather app?

I hate everything Jason Schwartzman chooses to be. I would very much like to punch him in his stupid face.

@UpstateUnderdog: Lean Cuisines. And they are ALWAYS on sale. 5 for $10? I MUST BUY TEN!

How about you fix my Evo rebooting issue first, HTC?

Anybody have experience with that Belkin N1 Vision N router? Seems to have very mixed reviews, although the price is right...

The two have had their prices dropped by $20

best 4G phone yet

Google Wave felt like trying to comprehend a 4th dimension.