He’s an outstanding alcoholic.
He’s an outstanding alcoholic.
WHY don’t these places ever just say “I’m sorry, we cannot (do whatever) for your wedding because we are already booked on that day”. You own a business. You’re trying to make money and stay in business. Do that.
Because they can offend *you*, it’s just not okay to offend *them*. Then they fall apart like a wet house of cards. Jesus, don’t you know how this works??
Because they want to high five their bigoted friends about their position, and also think their policy will net them more business with “good” like-minded folk (read: white, straight, Fundamentalist Christians).
This is how most discrimination works now anyway.
Because if they politely and quietly turned this couple away for made-up reasons, they wouldn’t have the satisfaction of being plastered all over the news and they wouldn’t get to imagine themselves to be modern-day martyrs in the Fight Against Imaginary Evil.
I’m sure many do. And they can do it with impunity until someone proves a pattern of “already being booked” only when asked by a protected class.
Ugh. Everybody, let’s be clear: Businesses can refuse you service because “I don’t like your face” or “your t-shirt is offensive, change it or leave” (see SouthWest Airlines). They will, however, get in trouble with the law if every person whose face they don’t like happens to be brown, or if they just refuse service…
He’s also a stupid idiot (yes, both). I’ve been a craftswoman, and let’s face it, we’ve all met people you just know are going to be more trouble than they’re worth... Or just rub you the wrong way. Instant dislike can be a thing.
Millenials are achieving ‘girls bathroom’ levels of mystery and intrigue.
None of the Jonai are particularly attractive. I do not get their appeal.
You aren’t wrong. I’ve met boys his age with that face. They are incredibly shy and want their mothers for emotional security.
You don’t “pay for” my child. You contribute to the overall good of a cooperative society. My child will treat your cancer, push your wheelchair, repair your car, build your home, educate the next generation of decent human beings. See how that works?
They. Are. Children. What the fuck are they supposed to do, have empty bellies and possibly get bad grades because their minds are on that instead of their schoolwork? And who the fuck says that getting free meals via the government for the rest of their lives will be their takeaway? Awfully presumptuous.
I mean, feel free to explain to little Janie all about your Randian jerkoff fantasy and how her mother is a leech on the system but Janie is eight and she’s hungry and she doesn’t understand why adults who have food won’t give her food when she’s hungry.
Here you go: You’re a dick.
Guys, its almost here. T-2 days. Bojack Horseman season 4 drops Friday. Prepare now, because I am going to need to discuss this season starting Saturday.
I read your comment as Ronan Farrow and Jon Lovitz. Yikes!