
We’re liberals. the Nirvana Fallacy is our greatest enemy.

Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and

I like the T-shirt and baby is adorable as usual, was lookin for her.

Two per day, in between meals. They aren’t absorbed properly if you take them less than an hour before or two hours after you eat.

If baby is outpacing you, bring in hubby. I loved doing the 1:00 a.m. bottle feeding (which also allowed mom to get more uninterrupted sleep).

I don’t “get” babies but that first pic of your littlest cherub beaming made me chuckle with joy. What a cutie!!!!

You are doing great, that baby is pink, plump, perfect! Is she eating solids at all? A combination might take some pressure off you.

What a cutie! I hope you meet your breastfeeding goals, but 9 months is awesome! It’s hard work.

I don’t know how to tell you this but. . . that baby is adorable. Like, kryptonite adorable. I’m sorry, just, you know, that’s dangerous and irresponsible, that amount of adorable. :D

Ouch... That was bad! I hope it stays over.

I’ve been taking Mother’s Select Lactation Plus, twice a day. My milk output has gone from 2 oz from both, if I was lucky, to 5 oz each time I pump.


Have you tried fenugreek? It should help with supply . (Former pp doula, breast feeding counselor)

I could never pump with either one of my kids, so I know it’s not helpful but it’s great you are able to pump! I recommend beef broth if you’re not a veggiesaur to help stimulate milk production; I’ve given some from my batches to a few of my breastfeeding friends and they said it really helped (they might’ve just

Awww what a cutie. I breastfed my second for 9 months too. She got tired of me and I wasn’t really producing a lot of milk either... It was pretty painless.

17 weeks?!?!? or do you mean days?? good god.

oh god, she looks so proud to be 9 months old, congrats! I want one.

I love how her sweet cute face is starting to show a personality, at least to me. And I feel like in that top pic she looks just like... someone in your family, maybe one of her parents, maybe not. Like I got a holiday card from a friend that had her daughter in it and there was one shot where the kid looked exactly

omg baby! eeeeeeeeee!

Happy SNS from Sheela the Irish Wolfhound!!!! She is enjoying the fresh snow we got last night.