
Maybe? A few people have mentioned that a two years old could still be a lap passenger, so I really don’t know. I’ve been specifically avoiding flying because I don’t want to deal with my kiddo on a plane yet.

I think he’s NOT required to have his own seat at that age though?

I read the article but found a lot of the writing to be... idk, sensationalistic? Somehow? In a way I didn’t find to be very respectful.

At her first birthday, the pump got put away. After that, I only nursed right after she woke up and right before bed. VERY occasionally during the day if she wasn’t feeling well or otherwise needed comfort. Your supply adjusts and it’s totally doable to just nurse once a day at that age. But at a year she started

We had to use a shield at first too. It SUCKED. I would pump on my commute while driving, which also sucked. The whole thing sucks.

My baby is 20 months tomorrow and I wish I still had the panacea of breastfeeding. She self weaned at 15 months but I totally would have kept going if she were on board. If allowed to nurse on demand, it’s normal for kids to not wean before two years.

I heard there were several women involved who needed to stay anonymous for whatever reason. May be one of them.

She’s pregnant bro

Yep. This is the one that hurts.

Why not? I don’t want to tell a person how they have the describe themselves, but it would be so nice to have some sort of consensus.

I feel like singular they is used often in cases completely unrelated to gender?

Neat. Can we agree on they as the gender neutral pronoun too?

Jesus Christ I loved Selfie

Um didn’t Liam Cunningham (Davos) say they got scripts and did a read through a few days ago?


NOOOOOOOOOOO these scare me so much every year and I read all of them!

I’ve never watched it :(

I don’t think anyone is talking about instances where someone brushed past someone in a crowded room. They’re pretty clearly talking about an open palm closing around an ass cheek. Your hand doesn’t need to touch my ass to get past me in a crowd. If you say “excuse me” and some part of your body touches some part of

My husband drives a Leaf and I have a Prius. He’s had the leaf for 3+ years and it’s been just a fine car. Essentially no maintenance. He plugs it in overnight at home maybe every 3 days during the summer, more often in the winter.