
You think running a race team is a money losing proposition, wait until you “win” this racetrack!

One of the key things that these analyses seem to miss is that, often, a vehicle that depreciates steeply in its first few years will continue to depreciate steeply. Since depreciation is such a huge component of ownership if we own a car for 3-5 years, that factor may make what seems to be a good value used car not

Eerybody knows Constitutional protections don’t matter when it comes to Black people! They knew they couldn’t walk in that door unless they felt someone was in imminent danger. But they’re used to trying everything then finding ass-covering excuses later. It’s great that she was so loud cuz then they didn’t know who

What I love is all the troll commenters writing about how she shouldn’t be noisy or should respect authority, when every damn one of them is a gun nut who thinks they have to protect themselves constantly from agents of the government, i.e. the authorities.

Kevin is NOT a name; it’s a condition.

Just some guy who thinks he’s in charge, and is trying his best to f**k things up for a woman who knows her rights. God, this is the best thing I’ve seen all week!

There are only .6% Black people in Montana. Her, the man in her house, and maybe Jimmy down the street. They probably get more outrageous calls about Whites and Native American than Blacks.

I’m frankly surprised they backed off. Fucking cops could have seriously turned this into a “situation” if they wanted to. Ms Whitehead must have some truly righteous lightening in her eyes. Wish I did.

I’m so glad she told that cop she was scared of him. I feel like there’s some kind of unspoken stereotype of black folk not feeling emotions like “fear” or “sadness” or “ennui” or “existential terror”. We only get “animalistic anger” or “child-like jolliness”. And we all know what the cops zero in on and expect to

Blessings to her for putting those prying assholes in their place.

Lol, what? Do you think that if the UK had another 50 tanks Russia wouldn’t have invaded the Ukraine? How about 500? 5,000?

Holding the bag alone? WTF are you talking about? When was the last time the US fought a war on its own? Which country starts illegal wars and then drags others into it (clue: starts with “U” and ends with “S”)? Which country is the only NATO member to invoke article 5? Which other countries did the UK drag into the

I think the idea is manufacturers should be testing and developing the tech internally with people specifically paid to do the job, not beta-testing using the public.

The bottom line is that partial self-driving cars should not be legal. Either the car should be able to drive itself, completely, with no human intervention beyond “I want to go here,” or it should not have “autopilot” features beyond cruise control.

The last entry in her Blog reads: “Ich lebe nicht mehr, aber ich habe gelebt.”

Rather than concede defeat, she continued on the rest of her journey alone, documenting her trip on Instagram and her website along the way.

Now playing

What a woman. Petrolicious did a nice piece on here not that long ago

Wow.. he even mentions that he wasn’t going very fast under yellow, like that excuses it. Blowing past one or two cars at full race pace because you missed a yellow? Bad driving, but humans make mistakes. Edging past a bunch of cars slowly under yellow? You’re just an asshole.

Then he starts making it about basically

“Man, I’m kicking ass! I’m passing these people like they’re standing still!”