
Yes, because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that J.D. Power is the gold standard for independent, data-driven analyses.

Couple of douche bags.  Obligatory: Fuck Florida.

But can the Sapphire set $44 billion on fire as fast as the Plaid? 

I ride a lot of bikes, with varying levels of safety features and the general takeaway for me is that if you’re a good rider, the safety features don’t really ever become noticeable.

It’s pretty simple; you can’t advertise something for sale at a price that you don’t intend to actually sell at that price or under terms not mentioned in the ad. A grocery store can’t advertise $1/gallon milk, but refuse to sell it to you at that price unless you also buy $10 worth of cottage cheese after you walk

Again..if this was Antifa/BLM doing this there would be smoking piles of bodies 20 feet high. But conservative white guys can do whatever they want i guess.

In short, although the journalism industry may distinguish between advanced investigative news pieces and automated or unchecked opinion pieces, most people do not, and we do not expect them to.

Did this guy fuck up and deserve to go to jail? Certainly.

Go green one lap earlier instead of wavering on the decision-making and leave the lapped cars in the running order. They’ll get blue flagged and Max has fresh softs. He probably gets to Lewis in two laps anyway.

I wanted to see Max win the championship, but Merc’s strategy likely banked on the rules being applied the way they always have: either the lapped cars would unlap themselves and the race would finish under yellow or the back-markers would stay and Max would have 1-2 laps to execute 5 passes for the championship. The

No car is ever going to be perfect. Someone is always going to complain about something. I’m just happy this thing exists, coupe + RWD +manual, rare breed these are nowadays.

So, I’ll be the opposition in the room. I think that sometime in the next 10 years, we will be able to achieve safe level-5 self-driving cars that see and understand the road to the same degree that we do and adapt to situations as they arise. We’ve come ridiculously far, from the magnet-followers of the 90s, to the

In other Harley related news, Sturgis is still on, rona be damned.

Your take is horrible in every way.  And pole CATS, man, not vaulters.

So your example of a “great” SF movie, presumably with the “realness” that you say is lacking from Fury Road, is a Tom Cruise vehicle in which he plays the exact same character he plays in every action movie he’s in, and his character (“Action Tom Cruise”) repeats the same scene over and over AND OVER again because

When I saw this movie in the theater, I was laughing out loud with joy it was so good and entertaining and true to the originals. And I’m (supposedly) a grown ass man in his 30s.

IIRC, George Miller was an ER physician prior to directing. Watching Mad Max recently, you can see the realistic depictions of car crashes and trauma in the films that I’m guessing he saw in person in his career. I think it’s that stark realism of mangled human/car car crash mess that strike a chord and has never been

So is he now the flattest flat Earther?

They aren’t a “step closer”, because it will literally never happen. It is a scam.

I wonder when/if NY will ever elect actual progressives instead of this DINO trash that mostly fills Albany?