
OK boomer.

I also like comparing things that happened in the 1970's to things that happened now.

Congrats on the most stupid post on Jalopnik today.

The reason Ford could sell the Pinto is because the regulatory environment back then was almost nonexistent. Are you suggesting that we go back to that?

Comparing regulations from today and from nearly 40 years ago makes so sense. Regulations are far more strict these days and Ford would never be able to sell the Pinto in that form in today’s environment

Delivering a staged and professionally written speech to nations that have already made great efforts to reduce emissions.

You are a small minded idiot.

Nah, fuck that douche.

I hope you’re kidding. Greta Thunberg is a CHILD who is trying to alert the world to the danger we adults are ignoring. I am not a tree-hugging, Greenpeace loving, eco-nut but I do care about the planet I leave my children. I don’t agree with the whole “Okay, boomer” meme but it speaks to the current leadership whose

Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die

Yeah, but is he? Promoting veganism while lending his image to promote Petronas, shaking hands with / legitimizing despots, and being the reason for the season that millions of fans drive across their respective counties (and sit in massive jams) to get to venues to see him race... That’s gotta add up to a whole lotta

Why do rich people get so much credit when they downsize from their 7 mansions, 31 exotic cars, and 2 private jets for the environment? I’ve never bought even a single mansion in my entire life. Do you know how much discipline that took? Wasn’t easy, let me tell you. Look, I’m not asking for an award, just a simple “th

Actually this makes him well-rounded. Sorry you feel so threatened, snowflake. Maybe you should go back to Breitbart or under whatever bridge is missing one of its trolls.

Counter-Counter-point: Why not do both? Commercial airports charge landing fees, while most General Aviation ones do not. Leave long-range flights alone and gently tax shorter ones. You could hit those capitalist pigs right in the wallet, while leaving regular folks relatively unharmed.

... which will maybe make your company re-evaluate sending you on all those flights, which is the point. I don’t know about your job, but at mine a lot of the flying people do is for purposes that could pretty easily be done over videoconferencing.

As a motorcyclist, I love these. I can get my two wheel fix if I want to say, go out drinking and don’t want to be responsible for getting my bike back home safely.

Guaranteed that cologne and that beer are the same product in different packages.

It’s almost like they haven’t learned any lessons about over-valuing brand identity.

I am not spending $30K on a bike. That is insane. Even for new tech. A Ducati Panigale starts in the low 20's. How can HD even expect to compete with that?