
I don't ever want to see Lost Odyssey 2 on that system because I don't ever want to buy it. I was hoping they'd just give up on attempting Japanese money-hatting.

My coworkers are already confused by it. They thought Microsoft was just introducing a cable box that worked with their 360. They had no idea what to think of the TV stuff once I told them what it was and one of them was actually angry about all the voice stuff since he usually games after his kids go to bed and he

The mainstream media might love it for some...completely baffling and ignorant reasons, but the mainstream public seems unbelievably confused by it. My coworkers, who are hardcore 360 only CoD/NHL/Madden players had no idea what the hell was going on with the TV stuff. They were trying to figure out if it was itself a

God I really want them to make the Wii U kiosk like the old Target/Walmart kiosks from the N64 era with the huge button layout and the big red button to restarted the sizzle reel. I can't even tell you the sort of excitement I felt for the N64 when I first got to play Mario 64 through one of those. My brain melted

People can complain all they want but this has the potential to be something huge. Yakuza specifically. If it expands beyond just the HD Collection for 1 and 2 (which BETTER COME HERE), and continues on into the new main games, that would be a Japanese system seller.

And? What would EA actually bring to the table that I'd care about? I don't like sports games, nor do I care about EA's FPS games. And they've ruined Bioware. So...what? Dead Space is dead now, no more Mirror's Edge, Skate's dead even though it was the best thing they had going. Oh, and Rock Band's gone now too.

You should probably watch a glitched speedrun of FF4, preferably Brossentia's runs of it before you continue with this.

1. Really hard to answer. It's between Fire Emblem Awakening, Bioshock Infinite, Metal Gear Rising, Ni No Kuni and Shin Megami Tensei: Soul Hackers, though that last one will probably be replaced by SMT4 as soon as it comes out.

I'm not going to wait at all. From the previews I've seen it looks like a very interesting game. The combo creation system is reminiscent of God Hand except later strikes you can learn actually give various combat boosts. The setting is very interesting, the main character is interesting, the story sounds sounds neat

Personally, given how much I've enjoyed Platinum's games in the past, I probably WILL beat Wonderful 101 in one day, but only because I'll play it for 24 hours straight haha. I don't really care about the length because if it's really fun, I'll play it a bunch more than just the one time. I never see games as one and

Newegg has a great deal on Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. Enter coupon code EMCXSVR222 and you'll get the game with free shipping for $27.99.

Personally, I thought Razor's Edge on Wii U was better than what I played of Ninja Gaiden 2 way back when that came out so I'd recommend a cheap look at the game for people who might be interested. It's at least far far better than the original release of 3. It's not particularly long or anything but it's a fun game.