
At some point you guys are going to have to give up on throwing this exact some comparison that isn’t correct at all.

No one actually called it a “world record” aside from saying it’s the best time out of anyone who’s ever done a TAS of the game. It isn’t like anyone’s claiming this is better than a human playing the game through the normal speedrun route.

They didn’t manipulate the rom to cause that, they looked at the rom to see what actions to take to do what they wanted the game to do. They didn’t actually change any data in the game using outside input from another program.

There’s a point where violence becomes banal unless it’s surrounded by a game that actually supports it. Most games honestly don’t support the level of violence they end up using. It’s tiring to continue seeing it.

And as far as creative decisions go, MN9 has been criticized since the start. Unneeded stretch goal for voice acting, unneeded multiplayer, unwanted 3D models when it was obvious that everyone wanted 2D art. He’s misread his own fanbase at literally every point, which also holds true for his last few years at Capcom.

Great, worthless stuff for a Mega Man game in the stretch goals. How about instead of Inafune shooting for stuff he absolutely can’t handle, he actuall uses that money to just finish his game on time. It’s just another example of how awful he is as a manager and as a producer.

Inafune has nothing to do with the actual development of the game at this point. Inti-creates has done all of the heavy lifting on actually making sure it plays well. It’s pretty clear that this is the case.

There is zero reason to trust Inafune at this point. He has to be one of the worst managers in the industry. His last game got dropped after sinking a ton of money into it, he can’t get Mighty No. 9 out and he can’t even figure out how kickstarter works. How does this guy even begin to criticize other people in the

I’m sorry but no, I’m not being fooled again. They can rework it as much as they want but they’ve tainted that well. It is extremely easy to not be excited by Destiny. It has very little new content, increases standard grinding to an even higher extent, punishes those who did tons of grinding in the old game, and

To be fair, three of those were previously ported to XBLA and Microsoft owns the company that made all of those games. Nintendo does not have domain over the various 3rd party N64 games. And on top of that, two of those in the Rare Replay collection (most noticeably Jet Force Gemini) have unbelievably abysmal controls.

It isn’t petty at all. Hitler was a painter but I’m not going to separate what he did with his art.

Yes, that’s nice. Good to know I’m never buying a game from this developer ever again.

Uh, pretty much no one doing speedrunning ever pauses or saves or stops the timer or whatever.

Consider that even a personal best by PresJPolk puts him fairly close to the record time in a game with a pretty active community of people who are extremely EXTREMELY good at the game. The time that he gets emotional over is also incredibly good.

Absolutely disgusting. That isn’t “addressing” anything. It’s just bullshitting even harder. They’re going to sell THAT for $20? That stuff is like a $5 pack tops and even that’s a ripoff.

It’s a Pokemon Company thing for sure.

Nintendo =/= Pokemon Company

The DS’s first year was dead too. 17 games total and only 5 of them were actually any good. 2005 was the year it got a good library going and 2006 was when people actually started buying the DS because the DS Lite came out. Up until that point the PSP was almost even with it in sales.

I bought a PSP when the Slim came out and it had Jeanne D’Arc and many other really fun games. Early it, like literally every gaming device in history, had very little. I never cared that Sony didn’t do much with it because third parties gave it a TON of really good games. I’m looking at a shelf of them right now. The

The PSP was actually a total beast in terms of games. Especially if you wanted RPGs. Fantastic system. The Vita’s just gone downhill with far too many dungeon crawling RPGs. Tales of Hearts R was a move in the right direction but no one else tried to pick up the slack.