Waitasec . . . he drives for RED BULL? Not exactly a "diet drink."
Waitasec . . . he drives for RED BULL? Not exactly a "diet drink."
Same exact issue here, so it's not just you, Mark.
I couldn't believe the replay didn't result in a penalty, either. (Of course, half-the-distance would have put the ball at the 9" line . . . unless you spot the ball, measure half the distance, and find the tip of the ball breaking the plane: TOUCHDOWN, Steelers. But that makes too damn much sense.)
"Marine Corps" is capitalized. Unless the guy really wasn't a former Marine, but instead used to work for a maritime organization.
Holy crap . . . I just moved all my music to Winamp on my desktop, laptop, phone, and tablet! It must be my fault!
Since I'm retired, my desktop (24" and 21" monitors) gets the most use, by far. My Nexus 7 would be next, followed closely by my Galaxy Nexus. When I'm traveling (which is 4-6 times a year), my laptop and tablet vie for most use, while my phone gets a lot more use than it does when I'm at home.
Chrome, obviously, because GOOGLE.
Cheapest I see for the Logitech G400s is $47 at Amazon, not $44.
I was in NYC in June, and had Verizon LTE just fine in both Brooklyn (Prospect Heights, Park Slope) and midtown Manhattan, and at Yankee Stadium.
I should have mentioned that in Rapid City, I get consistently excellent Verizon LTE service.
As a homeowner (mortgage paid off) of 25 years (more than that if you count the first home we owned, before the Air Force sent me to Germany for three years), I can say with a fair degree of confidence that your friend who's been trying to sell his condo for two years is asking too much.
Re: The title of the article. No it doesn't. Is Allconnect owned by CenturyLink (or vice versa)? Because that was my only option for phone, internet, or service bundles (which, I assume, is VoIP+Cable Internet+Cable TV). I've lived in Rapid City, SD, for 25 years, and I've never seen so much as an ad for CenturyLink…
VOTE: My Fitness Pal (myfitnesspal.com)
I'm a retired Human Resources Manager, and I can state categorically that federal law prohibits asking if you're married, if you have kids (or similar responsibilities). What interviewers can ask is whether you can perform the essential duties of the position for which you are interviewing, with or without a…
IIRC, USS Boxer is named for the Boxer Rebellion in China, around 1910-1911.
Two sharing options (Facebook and Twitter, and not Google+—now #2 behind FB) are not "tons of sharing options."
So do I. I think I have a Box account too. But I use SkyDrive as my primary cloud device; Google Drive (as much as I'm a Google fanboy) is my third option, after Dropbox.
Vote: Skydrive. Especially when combined with an Office 2013 subscription, the amount of (more or less) free storage is great. If you're a Windows 7/8 user, it's almost a no-brainer.