Damn...I haven't thought of QEMM in decades! But yeah . . . it was pretty special.
Damn...I haven't thought of QEMM in decades! But yeah . . . it was pretty special.
IBM OS/2, believe it or not. It had a lot of promise, but unfortunately, was ahead of the hardware curve. "It coulda been a contenduh!"
Found last year that when traveling from the US to Europe (or a similar distance), plan your flights to arrive in the morning (earlier the better). Get a good breakfast after you land, then get out and exercise. Walk around, explore. Have a light lunch. Take a nap from 3pm to 5pm local time (be sure you set more than…
1Password isn't much good for Android users.
My computer is very close to the "Best you can build for . . . $1200" and it cost about $1200 to build in February of this year. I also have a $1200 iMac that is gathering dust behind my recliner. The iMac is an Early 2009 model.
VOTE: Galaxy Nexus.
Mac: If there's one problem with cloud storage, it's that you actually have to remember to save your files to it.
Threaded comments. That is all. Oh, and chronology helps. Fancy is fine for the blog posts; not so much for comments. Don't make it harder for us to interact with each other (and with you)!
I was 31. But that was in 1983, also. How many had one before then?
Better yet, keep your money in your wallet, and keep your friend.
Not seeing it on my VZW GNex (CM 10.1/Android 4.2.1)
I have two cats. And a keyboard they **never** get on, because I keep a can of compressed air nearby. At most, I have to pick up the can, and they're out of the room.
Agreed; when I saw the headline in my reader, I thought it was!
I dunno, Whit . . . any app that uses a crystal ball as the icon for 7-day forecasts, and tells you "There are currently no weather warnings for this location. Unless you are a crazy storm chaser, this is good" has to be number 1 . . . and in fact, it is: 1Weather. (Pretty nice-looking widget for the homescreen, too.)…
Stopped using Twitter (except for one abortive attempt to get back "into it" about a year ago) on July 3, 2011—when I was accepted to the Google+ beta).
Yup: GNex on VZW, so installed CM 10.1 nightly to get Android 4.2. (Nexus 7 is stock, though.)
The first computer I used was one of the biggest in the world at the time: UCLA's IBM 360/90 (I believe) in the School of Engineering. I took a FORTRAN IV class, using punch cards and a remote terminal. This was probably in 1972, possibly '73.
If you care, even a little bit, you have narcissism issues you might want to look into.
VOTE: Nexus 7
The "subscribe" button at the link isn't working.