Steve Hall

Pretty much the most important number for any monitor is its size. If the size isn’t known, then the other numbers are meaningless. You not only buried the lede, you didn’t even include it. (I will say the fact that it’s a 1080p monitor is also a non-starter, but that’s slightly beside the point.)

Pretty much the most important number for any monitor is its size. If the size isn’t known, then the other numbers

By Jan. 21, that may be the ONLY liquid assets he has.

I’m trying to figure out what part of that lighting effect is NOT covered by the hand while playing. (IOW, what’s the point?)

I’m trying to figure out what part of that lighting effect is NOT covered by the hand while playing. (IOW, what’s

Those links are reported as UNSAFE-PHISHING in Chromium Edge.

Those links are reported as UNSAFE-PHISHING in Chromium Edge.

The photo at the top of the article is captioned “QC 35 II” when in fact the item is the QC 35 I.

The photo at the top of the article is captioned “QC 35 II” when in fact the item is the QC 35 I.

Not sold out: Just purchased it, and my gift card will arrive Saturday.

Not sold out: Just purchased it, and my gift card will arrive Saturday.

I can’t for the life of me figure out why records are making a comeback,” Really, Shep? Maybe because they sound way better than any other medium except reel-to-reel? (Even to untrained ears, like mine.)

I can’t for the life of me figure out why records are making a comeback,” Really, Shep? Maybe because they sound

Wait until you break the lip of a bottle with that thing. No; don’t wait: get a good waiter’s corkscrew (i.e., double-hinged). If you can’t get a great one for under $15, you’re not looking hard enough.

Just having an airline-branded credit card isn’t enough to save the baggage fee: for Delta and United (and, I suspect, American), at least , you actually have to pay for your ticket with the card to avoid the fee.

Took me about 5 seconds.

Rather than clutter the screen with shortcuts that get covered by any open application (especially on a laptop, where screen real estate is more scarce), pin Calculator and similar apps to Start. WinKey + a single click, and your app is launched.

A couple of points to emphasize: First, if you’re on a metered connection, you can turn off updates. Second, if you’re a HOME user, it’s simple and inexpensive to upgrade to PRO, which gives you complete control over updates.

The "Essential" doesn't include a stand; the stand is part of the "Deluxe Tower."

The "Essential" doesn't include a stand; the stand is part of the "Deluxe Tower."

In LA, you're way better off in a car, where you'll get downtown in about 85 minutes as opposed to a three hour twenty minute public transit ride.

Been adjusting my mirrors this way for over 20 years (thank you, USAA!), and I haven't had a blind spot since starting this. As for backing up, I use my windshield-mounted rear-view, and don't focus too closely behind the car—just as you do for driving forward.

Scioscia's no different from every other manager, though. They all do that, and wait for the bench coach to give thumbs up or down.

I can see automatic IBB if there's no one on base, but if someone's on, make the pitcher throw—and the catcher catch—four wide ones.

I got this for $70 a couple weeks ago (was a one-day special). Love it . . . closest shave I've ever had, and I've used Braun, Norelco, Remington "top of the line" shavers.

I got this for $70 a couple weeks ago (was a one-day special). Love it . . . closest shave I've ever had, and I've

Except that the iOttie's suction cup is enhanced with some substance that won't dry out, is reusable, and fills any uneven (textured) surface to which it's affixed. Oh, and doesn't block your heating/cooling, which, where, I live, is crucial (-40 to +100F during the year).

Except that the iOttie's suction cup is enhanced with some substance that won't dry out, is reusable, and fills any

One word: Grandkids. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you really don't know what *you* are talking about.