My search string was "16th Century Latin mining treatise". And of course got the same result as Red_Flag. To answer the Gold Medal question, I used "Lou Hoover gold medal" and came up with []
My search string was "16th Century Latin mining treatise". And of course got the same result as Red_Flag. To answer the Gold Medal question, I used "Lou Hoover gold medal" and came up with []
#4 wins every time.
Gift bags, indeed.
I currently use an iMac and a MacBook Air, but I was a Windows user—and Win-box builder—for years. I agree with Whit completely: There's a lot to like, and love, about Win7. His comment about the Taskbar is spot on: OS X's Dock is a royal pain in comparison.
We (my wife and I) rarely use ketchup, but we keep it in a cupboard after opening. In thirty-seven-plus years, we've never had ketchup go bad.
We use pure maple syrup, never refrigerate it, and it's never gone bad. Of course, we use it within a month or so of opening, so that may have an impact.
Can't seem to fly from Rapid City to anywhere, not even our direct destinations (DEN, SLC, MSP, DFW, ORD). Not very helpful.
I was wondering the same thing. Or the Hillsborough County Sherrif in Florida (just as an example of some place I might have my laptop other than inside my home). I *think* my local PD would be that helpful...but then, I'm not liable to lose my laptop at home, unless I suffer a home invasion.
Considering Doug was in Canada...
Transmit is *not* $34 better than Cyberduck or FileZilla.
We could only wish it were that simple. In fact, it takes a redemption of 25K to 35K miles (varies by airline) for a round-trip ticket, regardless of distance flown, within the continental US. Flights to Hawaii are more, and international flights require even more miles to be redeemed.
If you travel one airline almost to the exclusion of all others, that airline's frequent flyer credit card (Visa for United, Amex for Delta, for instance) is an excellent option.
Went to Spain about a dozen years ago (and would love to return!). Although we were on a tour, we had plenty of time to ourselves. And while I speak a tiny bit of Spanish, there really was no language barrier. English is almost a universal language, as long as you don't expect everyone to speak it fluently. Generally,…
About a year ago here, I lamented the fact that the only way you could change the size of a window in OS X was in the lower-right corner (and it seemed like every time I wanted to do this, the window was already in the l-r corner!). I was roundly lambasted for my heresy...and then we got Lion.
Vote: Nook Color (rooted)
As a matter of fact, I DO use CFLs in the bathrooms. They give enough light while warming up that it's not a hardship. I also have LED nightlights in the bathrooms that give enough (practically free) light that often, turning on the lights is unnecessary.
And Chrome is even *more* like Chrome than Safari!
Love it! And I love the new Gcal look as well. Really hoping that a GReader makeover is in the works.
Funny...this is what I've ALWAYS wished Google Calendar looked like! I'm a happy camper. It doesn't bother me that it isn't "original"—for me, it's a lot more practical, and that's what I want in my calendar app.
It should be noted the Ultra Keyboard is free only for a 24-hour trial. That may be enough for people who do a lot of phone/tablet typing during a single day, but I'm not one of them. The full version is US $2.79.