Steve Hall

Actually, you'll never have a corked bottle with a synthetic cork or screw cap. I used to be of the snobbish "real cork only" crowd, but have since been educated. :) That said, the traditionalist in me is NEVER disappointed when I get a bottle with a real cork.

For the life of me, I can't see the problem here...

Depends on what you want to do with the tree afterwards. Make toothpicks? Then artillery. Lumber? Use the ax.

"Swype is a free download for Android devices with HVGA, WVGA, FWVGA, QVGA, WQVGA, WSVGA, and qHD screen sizes." Unless your phone (e.g., Droid X) came with Swype preinstalled, and you haven't rooted it. :(

I only have around 4 email addresses, but all of them forward quite nicely to a single GMail address, and I instantly know which address has what messages, thanks to multiple inboxes, filters, and labels. And still less work than a single standalone email client!


Does BST play well with dual-monitor setups? I couldn't see any indication that it does.

"...all bad reviews..."? Did you not just read the article on which you commented?

3D is the wave of the...present. So whatever you do, I'd recommend your Blu-ray solution include 3D, even if your television doesn't. Just bought an outstanding Sony BRD-S580 for $175. Of course, you can opt not to get 3D now...and get it when you upgrade your TV. But that's a lot more cash at one time.

Keep in mind that only one person keeps Blu-ray from running under OS X: Steve Jobs.

Even when I did have a set that big, I didn't put anything on top of it. About the only things I have ever seen on top of a television set were rabbit ears and the old cable converter boxes, which were pretty small.

Had I been using my head, I'd have voted for the PS3 over the Roku, which got my vote. I have both, and for some reason didn't even think of the PS3—probably because I have it paired with my DVR, which, on that TV, I consider the "set-top box." But yes, the PS3 is superior to the 360 on the basis of its excellent

VOTE: Roku

"And the incidence of skin cancer is rising not due to more sun exposure, but due to the chemicals put in these products." Do you have one credible source for that statement?

Well, yeah, but that point, click & drag uses only one hand. This extension forces you to use two (or maybe one, if you're REALLY masochistic).


Pretty sure that's a home-built pallet: it's awfully small.

Pretty sure butter improves the flavor of anything cooked on top of the stove. :-)

Been cracking eggs on a flat surface for 40 years or more and the only time I've ever gotten shell pieces in the egg is when I've tried cracking on the side of a bowl.

A small correction: Smithsonian Institution.