Steve Hall

For about $30 I bought three small shelf units at Target (nowhere near an Ikea, sadly). I put my iMac on one, my second monitor on another, and my keyboard & mouse on the third (and widest) one. After a couple months, I decided I liked it enough to make it permanent (my desk is homemade):

I do this with Evernote. Syncs with everything!

A traditional IRA is "tax-deferred" which means the money you put into it is subtracted from your gross earnings before taxes are calculated. You then pay income tax on the money when you withdraw it after retirement. The theory is, you'll be in a lower tax bracket post-retirement, than you are while working. Thus,

Wake me when FF stops being a memory pig.

The biggest complaint I (and MANY other users) had with previous iterations were that it was a memory pig, and never seemed to release any. If that's been fixed, I'll give it a shot again. If not, I'm perfectly content with Chrome.

Just say "No." Seriously, why this all-consuming desire to turn everything into some kind of social networking app? I'm considering buying a new camera soon, but I'm scared to death it'll have some kind of social networking share function for my photos.


Battery life is certainly a concern, and will be so long as we have batteries. However, my bigger gripe is with the inordinately long time it takes carriers to upgrade Android to the most current version. Consider how long it took for my phone—Droid X on VZW—to be upgraded from the day it was released until it finally

@revdrkevind: The reason your very nebulous, non-specific search returned those results is because others who searched similarly, did click on dining, lodging, attractions results.

I already control my iMac from the palm of my hand. It's called a Logitech mouse.

@showbiz2: Sounds like you want Froyo. :)

@ironghost: And you don't think all the other sites you visit aren't tracking your browsing habits?

I use Chrome. I've found that I do NOT need NoScript or AdBlock. I also don't use torrent sites. And, I've yet to pick up any virus or malware. If I run into a site with obnoxious ads or scripts, I simply don't return. To me, that's considerably more effective than addons.

@codykniffen: Going to bet Gina knew at the same time as, or before, LH. ;)

I got both Launcher Pro and ADW the day I got my X, and LauncherPro easily won out. It's very comfortable now, so I can't imagine changing. Although I think I'm now convinced to pony up the $3 for the premium version.

@Matt: An alternative to Cardex is Key Ring—does the same thing. (Just providing another option.)

@crichton007: The first or second update to TweetDeck beta allowed you to change the update frequency. The original version was checking Twitter almost continuously, which of course killed the battery. It's MUCH better now!

@mrchnd: I have Vignette, and it will stitch up to 6 photos seamlessly. I love it!

I'm not exactly a Microsoft fanboy (my computers are Apples, for one thing), but "...could check out some free solutions that work even better" is sheer puffery, and completely incorrect.

@davidr521: Keep in mind that check scanning is a rather recent development. And printers that scan/copy are more ubiquitous than smartphones.