Strange that there's an iPhone app, but no Mac desktop client. And no Android app makes this a double "Pass."
Strange that there's an iPhone app, but no Mac desktop client. And no Android app makes this a double "Pass."
@Skyjumper: Umm...too lazy to do two or three mouseclicks? That's all it took for me to go from IE to FF, and from FF to Chrome. And just for grins, I imported my Chrome settings into Safari, because I could. Two, maybe three clicks...done.
@Wuddel: Hear hear!
Just a note: Landon Donovan is a midfielder, not a striker. That's kinda like calling Derek Jeter a centerfielder.
@Seeräuber Jenny: I wouldn't be quite so unfair to Lifehacker
@senshikaze: OpenOffice is "fine," but that doesn't make it very good, and it's not even in the same conversation with Microsoft Office (even Office for Mac). When I moved to the Mac, I tried very hard to like OpenOffice. It wasn't long before I begged my son (a Microsoft engineer) for a copy of Office for Mac.
@RickyF: You've said a mouthful. Finder is...weak, elementary, and not really very useful. Explorer is almost perfect.
@gyffes: I concur. One of the things I missed when I switched was NPP, but since I discovered TextWrangler, it has fit the bill perfectly.
Trillian for Mac seems to me to be a tighter package than Adium; perhaps I need to give Adium another look.
@Paul40: Concur 100 percent. Sadly, one of the best features of Scrivener is that it is the best blogging platform for the Mac, after Windows Live Writer in a VM.
VOTE: WordPress (come on folks, spell it right: two capital letters, no space)
Am I the only one who thinks the vast majority are getting their panties in a twist over something Google is introducing as an option? Will it kill you for 24 hours? (And why in hell are you using the Google home page anyway, unless you're using IE 5, which won't support address line searches.)
Vote: Skype
VOTE: Arvixe
Needs work...since nothing worked when I tried it. Site was 8-bit slow.
VOTE: LastPass
@alsotop: Gives me a lot of confidence in the app.
A Genius playlist is 25 songs. That works pretty well.
VOTE: Synergy for Mac