
People are only criminals after they get their day in court and it's decided by a jury of their peers. Unfortunately, we'll never have that decision one way or another. So for the rest of history, he isn't "this criminal", he's just "a suspect who was killed by police".

Well I've got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours. I'd remind the NFL and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser's products. It's cops and the good people of St. Louis and other NFL towns that

So viewed, the record reveals that in July 1997, Roorda attempted to try to "cover" for another police officer by filing a report that contained false statements as to what happened during a suspect's apprehension and arrest.   As a result of this false report, all charges against the defendant involved were dropped,

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

Maybe if the cops stuck with exercising their first amendment rights, and not moving to the other amendments, we wouldn't have a problem.

I feel like playing football in your racist, God-forsaken city is punishment enough, SLPOA

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

For all the dead ppl

Kill a man? WTF are you talking about?? God help the f***tards you ride with if they start to act like in the video (or in any way that makes a cop decide that is the best course of action). And god help them if they pull their guns or actually use them against a police officer...Then they're really f***ed for life if

Do you like shooting things? Do you enjoy blowing things up? Do you yearn for a lush landscape to blow said things up? Do you also wish to run over the objects, or shoot them closer, or far away, or blow them up from the aforementioned ranges? How about stabbing things?

both evolution and creationism requires faith

Best part of GTA is the random shit that happens without you doing a thing

Why? What is so scary about a world where we constantly try and improve ourselves beyond the biological limits? If a new limb or body could be offered that was superior to my own, I would strive to have it. With no exception.

We really should point out that mages' abilities are fueled and expanded by lyrium, a mysterious blue substance which when processed in certain ways can grant or enhance a person's capabilities, even granting impossible powers (but ultimately not without debilitating mental side effects.)

You can climb up hills and boulders, slide down dunes and rock-faces, and generally explore like you would in most other open-world games. The true test: You can do that one RPG thing where, by stubbornly jumping and mashing forward on your joystick, you get your character to climb a hillside that is technically too

because he's wrong?

Man, I never made the connection b/w Skeletor's and The Monarch's voices! That's some next-level spoofery going on right there.

I haven't watched He-Man since I was a kid, but I just noticed how much the Monarch from Venture Bros. sounds like Skeletor.

This is how you re-release a game. Some developers need to step up their 'game'.