
Good ol' integer underflow. Anticipating this was mercilessly beat into my head in my CS courses in both high school and university.

Meh, we have a metric shit ton of games that console owners never will. I'm more than satisfied being a PC gamer.

Activision and Giuliani celebrated their victory by blasting Twister Sister's "We're Not Going to Take It" on enormous U.S. Army loudspeakers outside Noriega's prison cell for five straight days.

Not to sound racist, but Peyton is the biggest douchebag in the world.

Well at least he fell on his sword and you got to respect him for that. You don't see that sort of thing happen much anymore.

Is it me or Kinja this time? I want to reply to the email from the reader that was posted on top of Drew's article. I am close to tears in my office after having read that, because it closely echoes my story. And I'll apologize upfront for piggy-backing onto someone else's moment of amazing and brave vulnerability,

If people want to get all political about corporal punishment, maybe they should focus less on archaic, dubious logic - "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RAISE MY KIDS, THIS IS 'MURICA!!!" - and start looking at the very system that runs our country. Name-calling, yelling, manipulation, lying; these are all learned traits that

I got spanked a couple times a year maybe as a kid, and I hated it SO MUCH. It hurt like hell to me, and all it taught me was to cover my tracks if I did something I thought might get me in trouble. It only taught me to lie to my parents.

Children who were "beaten" won World War II,

How am I supposed to start smoking if my doctor won't recommend a brand of cigarettes?

Yeah and most of the world is full of stupid poor uneducated people, like you, who don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about.

I was spanked a few times as a child. Didn't do much good. My mother also kicked me in the ass once, but by then I was 12-ish, bigger than her, and being a HUGE asshole and I completely deserved it. I don't fault her for that one at all, despite the fact that still, more than twenty-five years later, she's horribly

I'm in QA, stuff like this happens and not liking the company doesn't make your theories fact. I don't know their situation, and we don't know how wide-spread this actually is. It's three videos, two that are the same person, and 7 pictures from that other site. So 9 reported here, but I'm sure there are a lot more of

I'm in the process of making Cerberus Atlas for wizard con. :)

Bow chika wow woooow


Same-sex, inter-species...

whenever you watch a bad live-adaptation anime movie just remember this:

I have a beard. I would normally like to see that beard reflected in my character.