
Some of us get arrested for allowing our 9-year-olds to play at the park so we can go to work. And some of us get published articles in the NY Sun and an interview on the Today show for allowing our 9-year-olds to take the subway alone. http://www.nysun.com/opinion/why-i-…

At a certain point, it stops being simply building crap in Minecraft and becomes virtual, 3-dimensional art pieces. The kind of stuff you could sign, put on a thumbdrive and hang up in a virtual gallery somewhere.

Far Cry 2 made me stop and pause the game for several minutes. I was sniping from a hill to take out an enemy outpost. I hit one guy in the leg, incapacitating him. I thought he would just crumple over like any other game enemy does after a few seconds, but then I saw another enemy run over to him and start to drag

Why shouldn't it be?

>You can download the game for free

I just can't..

He's being suspended/removed from ownership because of $$$. Free speech, the legality of the recordings, etc. do not matter at all.

You sound crazy when you try to equate people not willing to do business with a bigot with what happens when you speak against the Kremlin.

No one is "stealing" his team you idiot. They are forcing him to sell it (which will end up netting him a 5000% ROI, by the way), under the terms of the NBA's board of governors bylaws, which each owner is bound to adhere to as a condition of being an owner. The NBA is a private partnership, and they are within their

He's not being thrown in jail, therefore his right to free speech isn't being violated. You can spew all the bile you want, but freedom of speech doesn't protect you from repercussions, especially from a private entity.

A plastic tablet was also unearthed just under the topsoil:

I don't know what answer you're looking for and I tend to think there isn't an answer that will make you say "Oh now I understand, thank you for the clarification."

I get it. I get how important and critical gameplay is. I get how some games are all about the gameplay and it's why they're played.

April Fools, it's actually a real truck!

Preferred headline: "Truck drives through Uncanny Valley"

5760 x 1080 across 3, 42 inch screens. Not me, but just highlighting a high end goat experience.

Exactly. As a french citizen who spent the last ten years in between US and Canada (6 years in the US total), I'm baffled at right wingers calling liberals "communists", socialists and so on, terms they obviously have a hard time defining...

I don't care if it drops the framerate to 3fps, I want that grass in every video game ever made from now on thanks