
I’m really against matching creators to character attributes like that, outside of creator made stuff. Hire great black/female writers and artists because they’re great and then give them whatever projects they’re passionate about, don’t assign them “the black stuff” or “the female stuff” just because. It ghettoizes

Like, *at least* post a picture of Monica Rambeau, then you can pretend to be offended with some degree of accuracy.

For most of human history, the sickly children of poor families simply died. It takes a fair amount of resources to care for these kids that most people didn’t have.

That’s a huge over simplification. They can, and do keep all their patents in an Irish subsidiary and then they pay that subsidiary licensing fees from their profits else where. There by circumventing american, and other tax laws.

Apple should be forced to take their case through the Irish legal system, since that’s where they claim all their taxable income is generated. You don’t want to pay US taxes, you don’t get the benefit of the rule of law in the US.

I’m sorry, did you just say that Explorers wasn’t very good? Your childhood must have sucked.

It’s been addressed before; Different units across different planets had different compliments of equipment, vehicles, and armor models.

Honestly, the way your comment was worded I wasn’t sure.

I would like to interject that this is what the current Production IG Motoko is supposed to look like. The brutally honest statement to be made here is it is American’s who have no idea what GiTS is about and are just Japanophiles who have no clue what they are arguing about. I mean I do not know about you but that

By the time Cleopatra came to reign, the Ptolemies had been in Egypt for 250 years and 18 generations. Although there was quite a bit of incestuous marriages in her family line, they also intermarried with Egyptian/Libyan nobility, such as Berenice of Cyrene (Libya). it’s probably fair to say, Cleopatra didn’t look a

Due to the conquest by Alexander, the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty was in control of Egypt at the time of Cleopatra. They also were deeply inbred, so Cleopatra would have like looked like a person of Greek ethnicity. Caucasian actors have played Greek characters for a long time, so why would it be bad for Scarlett to play

Not much to add to your very sensible, realistic post, but “entitled white Americans on Tumblr” reminded me of this video, where actual Japanese people are asked about whitewashing, and most... Don’t really give a shit.

I doubt it was even so singular a decision as Paramount making the call. From comments made by other people/groups related to the film or the Ghost in the Shell franchise... the only people who thought a Japanese actor was the “only good/right decision” are entitled white Americans on Tumblr.

you deliberately left out that also chinese and japanese people are mentioned... just to make your argument... cheap shot.

Right? Women love to deflect any blame from themselves and their bodies. ‘Eww men are gross and pedophilic,’ they lament. No, they just don’t like wrinkly tits and worn-out pussy....especially when it’s as hairy as their Adam’s Apple!

My main issue with this is that this is not about paying artists what they’re worth (for which I am very much in favor). This is about changing the nature and purpose of rights laws to better support large corporations in the changing landscape of the internet.

To be fair, none of this has been officially confirmed.

That’s why I think the way people tend to talk about how a mother’s love is unending and blah blah blah is inaccurate. Mothers abuse and murder their children all the time, and I think we make it worse because we don't acknowledge it.

There is a difference between a tool which can kill someone but which has other purposes, and one which is good for nothing but killing people.