
There is no proficiency requirement in purchasing a firearm. You can get handed an AR-15 with absolutely no training in how to clean or service it whatsoever. The NRA has done nothing for that.

Expressing views someone takes offense to has ALWAYS gotten people fired. Tell your boss he’s an ass grabbing jerk who smells like an AXE commercial? You’re gonna get fired.

You are wrong. Humans specifically raise cattle for milk and other food products, but we’re not the only mammals that will drink it. Cats and dogs are the number one other suspects. Cats, in fact, love the heck out of cheese, which isn’t naturally occurring. Milk is a high calorie food, nothing turns down easy

Fairies in the movie are pests, and you see several ads for exterminators. Just because something is humanoid in shape doesn’t mean it is sentient, or that you want it to be your buddy.

Curious.. I don’t see Melanie Martinez in your lineup. So, what, it’s okay when women do it to each other? Or is this a case of gloss it over so it doesn’t distract from the narrative?

It’s fascinating to me that the Spanish were slaughtering Native Americans for hundreds of years before the first British colony set foot here yet nobody gives them shit for it like white people. Between diseases, religious conflicts and looting for gold, they killed way waaaaay more North American natives than whites.

Yeah, it’s like nobody ever talks about Netflix’s shows do they? They just dump them all out there and you never hear about them again after that...

Get. The. Fuck. Over. It.??? Really? You are a major douche.

Do you know Angelina personally? I mean, do you know who is and isn’t going in and out of her house everyday or are you just going on gossip? Because maybe she has female friends and prefers to keep them under the public’s radar.

On the other hand, 99% of gossip sites get their “news” and sex tapes from so called

This is probably a direct result of the Millarverse purchase. Disney is feeling threatened by Netflix’s desire to own their own IP’s which directly compete against Disney’s Marvel cash cow.

It’s scale armor. Besides, fishnets would at least be diamond shaped, not squares.

Some well placed phaser fire or photon torpedos and you can cut off the engineering section from the saucer section of almost any Trek ship. Or slice off the nacelles and leave them stranded. Don’t be a hater, they’ve all got weaknesses.

You still own a 70's van with a viking on a hill with a scantily dressed woman wrapped around his legs painted on it, don’t you.

Look, if it were that bad God would have fixed it! I mean, obviously London was allowed to revel in it’s own shite because it was a haven for loose women, sodomites and dandies. If they’d cracked down on sin and truly prayed for God’s forgiveness, the streets would have been swept clean with His Grace, never to be

Please... Extremist Evangelical Jesus will be riding a dinosaur and carrying an M-16!

Daphne? Please, we all know Velma’s the freak.

The first I’ve heard about this show, and it already looks better than Cloak & Dagger and Inhumans.

It’s akin to a cop helping you murder someone in order to charge you with the crime.