
It’ll need a giant jug with huge XXX’s written on the side for sipping from and the occasional hootenany.

Well, Michael Bay HAS made quite a fortune promising robot fights and just showing blurry messes that you can’t distinguish from each other..

I agree with you about the glut, but it’s more that they’re a glut of certain titles. They’re already rebuilding Wolverine’s extensive collection of titles with Old Man Logan on 2 or 3 teams already. Marvel should take some of their MCU money, trim the big teamup crossover lines and just focus down on solo runs and

Patsy Walker is like the Archie Comics of Marvel and I’m fine with that.

Do Mom Tracksuits exist? Because WW is totally wearing a Mom Tracksuit.

They were less than $1 when I was in school in the 80's

Red Baron? What are you, some kinda fancy schmanzy pants? TOTINO’S!! is THE school pizza substitute.

MOAR POUCHES!!!!!!!!!!!

Really? Boba Fett stood against a wall for 30 seconds. Then he walked behind Darth Vader a bit and collected a Han Pop, stood on a barge and launched himself into a Sarlaac pit. Yet people loved him and created a mythos around him. I’d say he was more punkass on the screen than badass too.

Lucas is supposed to have structured the films as a ring composition, each movie echoing, repeating and reinforcing the others, so complaining about how they’re similar to each other is missing the point.

Wait wait.. this is totally wrong.. his skull symbol is supposed to be blue and white with 50 bullet hole stars.. and he’s supposed to be a cop..

Tatsumi Kimishima can’t get erect without listening to the quiet sobs of Nintendo customers.

Seriously!? She’s not even all that interesting. Kinda bland really.

Honestly, I don’t think you can do a FF movie in this day. The premise is just too 1960's. Best they could do is work with the supporting characters like the Skrulls and maybe finally do Doom justice.

Namor is a mutant, and dealt mostly with the Fantastic Four so Fox probably has the rights to him.

Are there not people who are supposed to prompt the talent before the camera’s go live? That seems like it would be a needed thing.

If not Zepplin, I’d have gone with Dethklok.

Really, the soundtrack had to be Zepplin or Dethklok. Had. To. Be.