
I still have not heard a convincing answer as to why you exist. There’s plenty enough humans already alive.

Wait wait.. Old Man Logan is in Astonishing AND Gold? Wasn’t the point of killing the bastard to pare down all the titles Wolverine was in?

Karl Urban is in the helmet looking longingly at his beer.

Since this is a Disney property, they’ll say that Hela was a gentle Asgardian lass who never hurt a flower until Grandmaster violated her and now she’s “evil” until she finds the McGuffin that lets her remember her inner flower child..

Most the rest of Kentucky really does wish Louisville would either secede and form it’s own state or just disappear into the Ohio river. Which is hilarious because Louisville is like 1/2 of Kentucky’s economy and 1/5 the state’s population.

Just keep in mind that the X-Men have always done a lot of time travel and jumping between multi-verses, and that any one movie is not necessarily continuity, if continuity can even be applied to the X-Men.

Do not talk about the Black Tide Rising series and “realism” in the same paragraph. The characters are ridiculous and it’s written like a 15 year old jacking off to the pages except you can’t tell which is getting him off more, the gun porn or the 15 year old girls running around in their panties while soldiers drool

Most animals would probably just smell the decayed flesh and leave. You’d have to send masses of buzzards into your zombie hordes.

Last of Us had a good premise with the clickers. There actually are fungus that infect insects and take over their brains.

Exactly! Let’s hear about the important things, like will my FemShep be able to gay marry my Asari futa science officer and will she be down with a 3 way with the new species we run into??!?!?

Your “99-plus percent don’t look like this little girl” crap is pretty insulting to all the Japanese, Korean and other asian artists who put out significant amounts of manga & anime. It’s not 1970 anymore and the only place to find comics is the grocery store.

Digital vs Analog for one thing. Pixels in a CRT are fuzzier and blend together faking a smoothness that blocky LCD pixels can’t duplicate. It’s why sprites in old 8-bit games didn’t look quite so bad. Putting them onto an LCD just looks like Tetris having sex.

The partners of 89% of lesbian women are able to do this. I think, “There’s no excuse to be bad at this,” is entirely warranted.

You’re assuming the people in charge want these people in the country to begin with. Trumps cabinet is full of a lot of closeted white nationalists who may not be as blatant as President Bannon but fully agree with his position on immigration.

This is one thing that a lot of people don’t understand. Getting resident status is extreeeeemely hard and expensive. This is why so many people just visit on a visa and never go back, taking their chances with ICE bothering to find them.

I don’t see how that can happen... I mean we have 3d scanners and 3d printers now, they can’t still be doing their figures by hand can they? Even still, was there no one on the approval process who stopped for 5 seconds and said “Oh, we’ve confused Meryl with a witch.”?

Okay, whatever. It’s cute that you think there’s “risk” for a CEO, especially when they’ve packed the board with their friends and they have an iron-clad golden parachute whether the company succeeds or not. Don’t even get started on company nepotism, spending too much time at golf courses and stuffing their pockets

How are they still around?

Like CEO’s don’t deliberately tank companies because they’ve already raided all the profits and they know they can get some more by selling all the assets to one of their shell corporations.. Like CEO’s won’t fire all their employees rather than give them a raise.. like CEO’s don’t demand 1000x more in compensation

Here’s another thought.. you have no problem with a CEO making $13.2 million in compensation for managing ~157K employees.. but you seemed to take issue with the head of the IAM making $700k, 1/18th the compensation, whilst managing 646,933 workers and negotiating for their rights with corporations spanning 200