
Again, if it’s all like you suggest, then she was free to refuse to sign and go to court over it. She didn’t, so there’s more to the story.

You invent a product on company time with company resources, surprise! it belongs to the company.

Hey now, we’ve eased back a lot on that sort of thing... but considering we’ve gotten Honey Boo Boo, Bridezilla’s and “RealWomenHaveCurvesAndPubicHair” back.. I don’t know, maybe we made a mistake...

Welcome to Capitalism, you must be new here.

Yeah.... right.... body stockings are soooo much better than booty shorts...

“..eye candy only”?? Really? What with the Joker, possible Batman cameos and all, Harley seems dead center to the story. If you can’t see past a pair of booty shorts to get that, that’s on you.

Get ready to clutch your pearls, because this is a bathing suit these days.

What are you, 80? Amish? An Amish 80 year old? Have you been to a beach this century or do you still blush at the sight of a little ankle?

She can wear whatever she damn well wants, it’s how she plays the character that makes her a hooker, nun or other. How about focusing on that?

I’m hearing moaning about Harley’s design and yet squat about Enchantress, who’s wearing an outfit as, if not more revealing. Odd that.

You want to make a deal over the guys lingering on her ass, that’s one thing. Making it about her shorts is like saying she’s dressed like a slut and asking for it.

She was “originally designed” wearing a skin tight body stocking.. which on a live person doing gymnastics isn’t much better than the bootie shorts.

I’ve seen smaller bikini’s gramma. You’re gonna get carpal tunnel clutching those pearls so hard.

Oh geez, people check out a sexy woman?.. end of the world I suppose.

You’d prefer she wear a Harlequin patterned niqab?

They should just give Reaper a basic Latino skin, but wearing a Conquistador outfit and standing on the corpses of Native American and African slaves. For the lolz

Same reasons that most colonies get filled with indentured servants, prisoners and other unwanted parties.

...and, in the painting, critical of the way US culture prioritized mass production over more natural, earthbound concerns.

Ummm, I’m hoping you don’t intend your comment to mean it’s not okay for white people to dress as Vikings, Saxons, Romans, wear drindl’s or lederhosen, Morris Dancer, etc etc.

Move the college system of today back 50 years, when businesses did on the job training, and yes it would seem very unnecessary.