
Sure, because nature.

Correllation does not equal causation. A lot more women are also wearing much skimpier bikini’s these days, and the whole pube waxing “is” called a “Brazilian” for a reason, this being one of the most popular places to wear said skimpy bikini’s while also being populated by relatively hirsute (comparatively) women of

So so typical. Truth is the majority of guys have no complaint if a vagina is waxed smooth as a peach or just trimmed, some even like the full 70's wildnerness. Very very few guys will go through the effort of having a fight with their significant other over the issue. At most, when a guy’s lady suggests he shave his

White Castle currently has deep fried mac-n-cheese poppers. More like little ovals than circles.

Italy got a Traditional Specialties Guarantee from the EU on the word Mozzarella, so maybe your phone knew it wasn’t authentic Italian mozzarella and changed the name to matzarella. Does your phone think you’re in Europe?

Honestly, just a documentary about what actually happened would be pretty horrifying.

I blame their hairy boned smelly existence for the anchovie’s bad rap.

Hey, musician. If you want to talk about not being properly paid, first why not take that up with the record industry. You know, the guys who practically invented copyright theft? Ask some old blues people how the record industry robbed them blind.

The very idea that an artist gets paid every time someone so much as hums their song is a very new creation. For most of recorded time, you found a patron to support you and your art.

Nobody locally could have setup a gypsy cab service? They had to have Uber? I don’t think so.

Try working in a country without labor laws and then get back to me. That is if the chemical burns in your eyes and the physical damage to your fingers lets you see the screen and type a response.

You seem to assume that Uber isn’t one of those greedy businessmen. You’re quite wrong.

Anyway, it’s good to know that billion-dollar housing and transportation companies have the power to make people set aside their cultural and linguistic differences and work together. Gotta keep that in mind for the next global peace summit.

This Father’s Day, let’s make it all about women!

Well, you see Hiroshima and Nagasaki were filled with gooks, you couldn’t compare those to red blooded white American troops! The only way to find out how Real Americans™ would respond to radiation was to expose as many as possible to it. Preferably after dosing them with rediculous amounts of LSD.

May knows martial arts. Nobody else on the team has shown any martial arts skills above “brawler”, so that knocks the whole “she knows martial arts because she’s a spy” theory down.

They why do none of the other international spies on the show exhibit any martial arts skills? Why was May the one that had to teach Skye?

Yet, how come you don’t get butthurt over the fact that OF COURSE AGENT MAY KNOWS MARTIAL ARTS AS ALL “ASIANS” DO!!

Except when people live without AC in the South they have several ways to combat that. Sleeping on the screened in porch, seeking shade, houses designed to pull in a breeze. Prisons are not designed to do any of these things, and in fact become giant heat blocks soaking up heat all day and releasing it all night.