
It doesn’t matter if “he’s probably a nice guy”. It violates the lease and it makes him liable for anything he breaks, not to mention possibly steals. He could have been entering her apartment to install a secret shower cam, who knows. She could have had dirty underwear laying out or something. Maybe the landlord is

And the worst thing? A consortium wanted to install machinery to automate all that a few years ago, and they protested against it because it’s the only way they can make a living. In fact, those $10 a day are a pretty great deal over there.

And you’re not completely deprived of political rights; you just can’t run for office if you are not a veteran.

In Starship Troopers, instead of a Fascist state where people are ordered to accept a dogma, individual intellectual thought and moral reasoning are encouraged, the horrors of war are not hidden, and a check on warmongering is placed by restricting the leadership to those who put their lives on the line, and

Potato potatoe, you’re putting lipstick on a pig there.

Until the cost of going into space drops drastically, there’s just not enough public demand to keep SpaceX afloat. NASA’s $1.6 billion dollar contract saved SpaceX from bankruptcy and is funding a lot of their R&D.

The F-35 will be as effective and more a CAS platform than the A-10

intriguing - though I’m kinda glad Sherman didn’t have nuclear weapons back then. Instead of Georgia we’d just have “the bay of Georgia”.

Law or no law, it can’t keep flying forever.

Facism? Are we talking about the same novel by Heinlein?

The most recent was the privatization of space travel and how much further we will get once it wanders out of “government only” hands.

Now playing

Have you seen the Ted Cruz ad attacking Trump for not supporting bathroom laws yet?

You are missing the distinction between a key to a house full of objects that must be searched through and evaluated as to whether they are evidence and BEING COMPELLED TO HAND OVER EVIDENCE. They are two completely separate situations. You can’t be forced to incriminate yourself by the government, period dot. It’s a

It IS different when Republicans do it. They give convicted felons their gun rights back.

It makes complete sense. I can be glad the police stop a thief AND disgusted that 8 cops pile on and beat that thief. The police need to stay within the bounds of the law or they are a bigger problem than the criminals.

Well, if it’s any consolation, your sacrifice to the greater good will likely be inscribed on some memorial of all the Floridians lost in the Great Reckoning. So there’s that.

I would care, but you live in Florida. That state deserves all God’s wrath can throw at it.

Nobody’s advocating drowning everyone. Just everyone in Florida.

Snake venom, scorpion venom, spider venom.. Fly agaric mushrooms.. Then the ever yummy destroying angels and death caps, totally organic kill ya agonizingly shrooms.