
Flints lead poisoning had nothing to do with pollution.

Rob wasn’t thinking outside the box, he was substituting one box for another. He wants to replace a white character skilled in martial arts with an Asian because... every Asian knows martial arts and is automatically better at them? That is some fucked up thinking there. Not to mention the idea that every martial art

How about an Israeli who knows krav maga.. or Russian sambo, or let’s really twist the knife and say Jeet Kune Do (Invented by American citizen Bruce Lee, based on boxing and wrestling) and happily taught to anyone of any race.

Remember, it’s Texas, they’re probably trying to destroy the public colleges so their rich private college buddies can make more money so they are doing all this intentionally.

Huh.. I thought Ex Machina was boring hipster twiddle with a predictable ending.. ooh the android outsmarts them all and goes out on her own! It spent far too much time masturbating with it’s own self-importance.

The X-Mansion full of alien holographic simulation technology, stealth planes and people made out of metal? Yeah, I’m sure “hi tech armor” is on the todo list...

Hey hey, we don’t want your racist #MutantLivesMatter clap trap here!

It’s about ethics in comics journalism. COMICSGATE!!!

The garden of eden was a setup. You don’t make curious monkeys and put a tree full of beautiful fruit in front of them and then tell them not to touch. And they say God is omniscient, but he was surprised how that turned out? Ha!

This is Christians in general sadly. Can’t allow homosexuals because they’ll “tempt” us, can’t sell liquor on a sunday because it’ll “tempt” us, can’t have sex without procreation it’ll “tempt” us. Basically they spend all their time being tempted by the things they deny themselves and hate everyone else for enjoying.

*scans the titles, notices all the bullshit Inhumans instead of Mutants titles, flips Timely the finger and moves on*

I don’t care what race you are, nobody likes cops. We tolerate cops, but everyone EVERYONE wants them the hell away and bothering someone else. Because we know what one cop with an attitude can do to your life. Even when you do need a cop, there’s that back of the mind voice saying “are they going to believe you or

First off, fuck you and your judgement. Second, at least they’re not being put into sealed bags as phone baubles or served up with some brown sauce like Chinese would. Third, everybody everywhere likes exotic pets.

All birds poop liquid. They poop and pee from the same orifice.

It’s a recovery mode process, done over USB. It’s not a ‘backdoor’.

The FBI wants custom firmware, signed by Apple so the phone will install it, that lets them brute force the PIN without the usual time delays for incorrect PIN attempts and without the trigger to wipe the phone after 10 attempts.

Honestly, they’re not trying to defeat the encryption, per se. What the FBI wants is custom firmware, signed by Apple so it will install on the phone, that lets them a) avoid the 10 PIN attempt wipe and b) lets them quickly brute force the PIN without getting the time delays.

“Apple designed its software and that design interferes with the execution of search warrants,” the motion reads.

Are you a dunce? Public opinion shapes the law and the lawmakers. Public opinion has everything to do with this.

You’re onto something there.. all we need now is a bad relationship breakup, a really douchey ex, some outraged internet trolls who feel that women have no business writing about horror and we can have GizGate. Of course it’ll be solely about ethics in journalism (no it won’t).