
Curves is. *slaps your butt and walks out*

You lack imagination. It’s all just a variety of chemical processes, it just requires scaling up the reactions and waiting long enough.

noun: pedant; plural noun: pedants

a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning.

noun: quagmire; plural noun: quagmires

a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot.

an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation.

Try reading this.

So so wrong. Venus’ gravity is only 90% of Earth’s. Also if you can terraform a planet you can easily create rocket fuel from the byproducts, so no need to bring fuel with you.

Leslie.. would you like to tell the class why you have a problem with BDSM enthusiasts?

“We are now facing a real crisis so why do governments, pharmaceutical companies and global health bodies slither away when we need them most?” noted MSF Snakebite Medical Advisor Gabriel Alcoba.

What amazes me is the shortsightedness of these idiots. If this had any hope of working for Kim Davis then what would they do when a jihadi terrorist decides to blow up a building because “it was the right thing to do” according to their god? Well, idiots, you set the precident, now deal with it..

1) It’s analog, and there was really no technological way to prevent the making of a copy, like there is with digital media.

Most high level executives are at least borderline sociopathic narcissists who honestly can’t comprehend that other people have value.

Of course, it’s only called “Processed Cheese Food” because the dairy industry pitched a bitch fit and paid off some Congresspersons to require it, in an effort to sabotage something people liked that competes against them.. so yay outrage over vague but somewhat sinister labeling?

It’s a quick cheese, here’s Alton Brown’s recipe.

Yeah no. Diamands have about zero resale value, unless they’re super remarkable in size or have some kind of provinance behind them.

Let’s put it this way, a 305 byte logo downloaded from Google’s servers about a billion times a day is much much better than a 14,000 byte logo downloaded a billion times a day. Someone somewhere has to pay for the bandwidth being used, and when you’re talking about a site hit as often as Google’s is, that’s a hell of

OMG, you told everyone the secret! Mom’s recipes + pretension = Chef!

She’s an elected official, not appointed or an employee. She can’t be ‘dismissed’ unless the constituents of her district demand an impeachment.

As much as I dislike defending Libertarians, most of them are usually fairly vocal about following the rule of law, even if they don’t quite make the connection that you need a government to actually create, pass and enforce said laws.

Are they better? From the article it looks like they mostly have a ping advantage because all the servers are in Japan.

...then eat scallops? I mean, if that’s what you’re looking for? I really don’t get eating one substance specifically because it tastes like another substance. It’s like the reverse of all those “tastes like chicken” jokes..

You could be in trouble depending on what you watch and how many people are in the room. The NFL is really bad about wanting performance licenses for large groups of people renting large screen TV’s, and of course Hollywood Studios are never shy about claiming another revenue stream either.