
If Americans are used to chocolate tasting slightly of butyric acid, then chocolate here is supposed to taste like that.

In fact, I've seen paraffin (candle) wax used also.

Carnuba wax has a long history of being used to stabilize candies, at home and in factories, and is in fact tasteless.

Hershey's doesn't add butyric acid to their chocolate. The process they use to stabilize their milk causes the milk to produce it naturally.

Water is a chemical commonly found in vomit too. Piss off with your 'this chemical can be found in something awful so it must be terrible!" crap, it's gotten old.

Okay, and now be honest, how much was being offered to smuggle stuff out of the warehouse worth? How many people did they catch smuggling? Because guards aren't going to just strip search people for shits and giggles, the kitchens are one of the prime entry points for smuggled goods into the prisons.

You don't know this woman! You're acting like being a "grandmother" puts her in the white haired old lady baking pies and giving out sage wisdom category, but she could just as easily be in the 3rd generation crime family has her grandkids out on the street corners hustling category.

Okay, yes these sorts of searches are humiliating and degrading.

Consider that they have to try to shove Air Force One's electronics packages into a vehicle the size of a helicopter and you can begin to picture why. They are unique craft, with unique security needs, so that adds a lot of $$ to the project.

Considering that NFL is a zillion dollar enterprise, they can damn well afford to employ American workers to hand craft their gear just for the principle of it.

Goddamn it I swear if I trip over somebody's stray clit I will SUE. Put your clits on leashes if there's even a possibility that it will get up and trot off to the next county. Let's all be responsible clit-owners please.

These stories are so old they would be new all over again. I for one have never heard of any of these characters before, so they're essentially blank slates. A creative writer could do wonders with them.

Since this is Fox 2015 and not Fox 1993, I can only believe that a new X-Files would be investigating how climate change is a liberal conspiracy, Benghazi was a cover-up, Obama is a reptillian and is leading the war on Christmas so they can enact Sharia law and take away all our guns.

Make fun of the Taco Bell meat all you want, I'll take it any day over fried pork fat, crickets or corn smut "authentic" tacos.

How do you eat an authentic Mexican taco? Pick up both sides, fold it, then eat it? Seems like the way American's bastardized the taco took out the folding part and just made it pick up and eat it.

Lately I see a lot of quick-e-mart type places carrying packages of wax paper wrapped corn tortilla's that have a shelf life of approximately Twinkies.

The thing that bothers me about the "authenticity" snobbery, is the fact that it completely dismisses the fact that it was immigrants that adapted these dishes to the American palate and available ingredients, not that we somehow stole the dishes souls or whatever it is they tell their children to get them to eat

A REAL taco snob would eat these:

Lockheed-Martin managed to write 20 million lines of code for the F 35's operating system and failed to add code to connect the machine guns to their trigger. The patch isn't expected to be implemented until 2019.