
Marvel Entertainment chief Ike Perlmutter: "Oh my God, who does this actor who's work earned us over $1,000,000,000 at the box office and is one of the lynch pins of our movie empire think he is asking for more money? Does he think we're rich???"

The Empire's racist humanocentric outlook and ruthlessness of the Empire put them firmly in the bad guy category.

The GOP whines about "wasting" public money when they're paying 3.3 Million to keep churning up Benghazi. Nobody knows how much they've wasted on their stupid birther paranoia. They're quite fine with freely wasting the public's money when it benefits them.

eh, a lot of it's just covering their asses. It was a 50/50 chance which parent was going to lose their mind over this, either parent A who's kid had to sign a contract or parent B who's kid was "violently threatened" without repercussion.

Outside of large city centers, you can get buy with a lot less money. We don't all need $100,000 a year to live in a closet sized apartment in San Francisco.

There were several galaxy class ships under construction around the 2370's, check Voyager: Relativity. Several were part of the Second Fleet, and by the end of the decade they were spread all over the Federation.

They still had sublight drives, so a war was possible just very slow.

It's no more unusual than people who build up a relationship out of two opposite gender characters who spend more than a couple scenes together. People like to matchmake.

Realistic under what criteria? In the pursuit of passing on DNA through children, an older male seeking a younger female is fairly realistic, as far as expectations go.

Breathalyzers are inaccurate and can be manipulated by changing your breathing. Officers will direct you to breath in a manner that will give the highest possible BAC reading. There are a number of medications and diseases that can also skew breathalyzer tests as well as the inaccuracies of the handheld device as

Absolutely nothing in this article was about hiding illegal activity. Perhaps you should look into that therapy yourself.

When I was in my early 20's, I decided one night, around 1AM, to walk from my apartment to a 24 hour diner about 3 blocks away. About a block from my apartment, a cop car rolls up and I get the 3rd degree; Who am I, where do I live, why am I walking so late, etc etc. I'm white as Christmas too, but that didn't stop

How long have the ducks been hanging? Have they gathered dust? Have they been contaminated by splatters of other matter on them? So many questions.

There's nothing really that complicated about green screen for the actor, they've been doing similar work for centuries staging plays. You use a few props to suggest a scene and then you move on.

You have never seen a stage play have you? A green screen set isn't that different from a stage production, just all the details are being filled in later.

Basically most Western states don't have enough groundwater to provide for their populations and collecting rainwater just prevents it from going into the already diminishing shared pool. Which is why libertarians hate it of course, because recognizing that ground water is a shared resource is like admitting you need

It's better than being a puppet reporter. Holding off on news stories until you've gotten your talking points from the GOP.

So the fuel stations take passenger "donations" and give the pilot "free" gas.

I kind of disagree with this article. It's cherry picking an issue and making a strawman argument out of it.

The key is that men must learn to be spontaneously complimentary only in popular, known date probability zones, only to the women who are personally receptive to their specific advances who have given non-verbalized consent to be spoken to and carry references from said woman's friends, relatives or associates