
Tonsillectomies aren't standard everywhere so tonsillitis can be a recurring, treatable infection. It can turn into quincy (pus filled abscesses) or worse that does require surgery. So, yes, tonsillitis can be a yearly thing, it's also contagious.

I don't think it's a "feminine" distinction myself. I've had cats, dogs, birds, all kinds of pets. Out of them all, cats are the most not-pet pets there are. They don't need you and they're not shy about letting you know it, they puke hairballs in your bed and they can be evil little assholes. They can sit on your

What an interesting catch 22 there. If she's healthy she doesn't need vaccines but how can she get so many diseases if she's healthy. Geez people amaze me with their ignorance.

You know what, where is YOUR album? What lyrics have you written, how many instruments can you play and where are recordings of your voice for us to critique? Because I can't stand here and listen to you call a 17 year old with a friggen record deal "lazy" just because she doesn't meet your bullshit standards.

Well she's no Rebecca Black, that's for sure!

My first question would be, why do artists always whine about their revenues like they're entitled to be multimillionaires just for having a sweet voice or strumming a guitar? Getting rich takes work and there are a hell of a lot MORE avenues for artists to tap into funds today than ever before.

Random polygamy isn't so bad. Institutional polygamy however has lots of problems, such as older males tossing their young competition for new brides out of the community, forcing 14-15 year old girls (prime Phil Robertson dating age girls!) to marry much older men etc.

You're just reinforcing my point. You put Dwayne Johnson in a movie when his name on the marquee is more important than the story being told, and you mold the character to fit his schtick. As for Sam Jackson, yes he's becoming a bit of a one note actor himself, but he still seems able to make his characters

She was gay, Marcus' affections were entirely one sided. She didn't owe him anything.

I will also throw in another reason DJ shouldn't be put in this role. Luke Cage's wife is white. Putting an actor who can pass in that role would be a total "Let's not make him too black" move be the studios.

Actually not a double standard. First you'd have to have black actors in equal amounts of leading character roles carrying major motion pictures, then we could begin to mention there was even a 'standard' to double.

Better actor? BETTER ACTOR???? Dwayne Johnson doesn't act, he just get his contract negotiated so that his 'roles' become Dwayne Johnson vehicles. The movies he appears in are more about having Dwayne Johnson's name on the promo materials then any attempt at carrying a story.

You illiterate boil on the anus of humanity. I said he was bi-racial.

I did say he was bi-racial. If I bothered to look up his Samoan ancestry then I'm also aware of his African ancestry as well. Point is he is visibly Samoan.

Reading comprehension, have you tried it? I said he was too KNOWN, not unknown. If he were offered the part it would be a movie about him, not Luke Cage, and there'd be pressure (by him, his agents, his contract) to make the story fit him rather than him filling a role.

Um no. For one he's too known. For another I'd rather they find someone who can actually act. Lastly, he isn't black and it would be lame to make one of the few lead black comic characters into a bi-racial Samoan for some kind of name recognition.

You did it to yourselves.

Yes, I don't get the Little Egypt area. Is there a large Muslim/Egyptian presence there or what? I guess maayyybe because it's where the Ohio & Mississippi rivers meet. Interestingly there's two cities there named Cairo and Thebes so "Little Egypt" would be sorta consistent. Strange though.

Yes. Texas & Florida both need to be kneecapped.

The X-Men and the FF have interacted quite a bit in the comics. Possibly more than they ever did with the Avengers until recently.