
Hereby my vote for Post of the Day...

I would suggest the open source RepRap Mendel Prusa (Google it), which is a simplified version of the original Mendel (less parts and therefore cheaper).

This exact thing has happened to me!

You'll be fine defense lawyer one day. I got all misty-eyed from reading that.

That picture arouses me sexually. And the girl is ok, too.

The opposition in this context is Gaddafi's opposition, i.e. the rebel forces. The reason it is mentioned in this way is that there is a conceivable difference between rescuing civilians from slaughter by Gaddafi's forces and actively helping the rebel forces (supporting the opposition).

Agreed! I find it very strange that integral fast reactors are not in use (are there any new plants coming up with this design?).


The thing that the iPhone (in Pad, Pod or similar form factor) does really well, and that Android tablets just fail miserably at, is forcing you to have every god-d*mn app splashed across your screen. No more discrete hiding of apps that you don't necessarily want everybody you meet to know about! Nice.

For some reason, I remember the 1999 game "King Pin: A Life of Crime" most vividly as the game where I thought "Wow, this is starting to look almost real".

As a Business Marketing student you should soon learn that advertising is not always about creating a sudden urge to buy a specific product. Just mentioning the brand name is valuable enough (brand awarenes, or whatever...).

While console FPS do not? Hmmm...

They should have a comparison of peoples' ability to understand percentages, or maybe that's just a global weakness.

@Gemini-Phoenix: As a new iPad owner (I won one in a competition), I couldn't agree more!

So how is this actually done?

@wrenchmonkey: You know what, all of you in this thread?

The main application for this will be to enable pr0n afficionados to frame every shot juuust the way they like it.