
Bitch please. I'd rather be pretentious than willfully ignorant.

You're misunderstanding. The two scenes in question were in the same episode. One was the naked random woman with the captains of the Second Sons. The other was Dany getting out of her bath. The latter was rendered less effective and powerful by the former, which was obviously prop tits for dudes in the cheap seats.

Except most of the comments upthread are insisting otherwise. They're insisting that showing constant, gratuitous rape is "accurate" and "necessary" because that's how it would be. Brienne is a noblewoman, yet she's threatened with rape. Cersei is the Queen. Sansa is the daughter of the most powerful House in the

Not to mention that he continued for DECADES, even as an otherwise intelligent and rational adult, to nurse his hurt feelings that he believed she'd lied and was a whore, rather than thinking that bring gangraped by an entire garrison of soldiers was pretty fucking traumatic for her, whether she was a whore or not.

Aw, poor boo. You didn't get the validation you wanted, huh? Nobody asked you to say anything, let alone be a jackass.

The most unnerving ones at this exhibit were the statues of people that seemed totally normal and young until you got at the right angle and realized that they all had withered, ancient faces, even the children. That was jarring lol. But yes, not as outright YIKES as some of her other stuff.

People get to be afraid of dogs. Usually they have really good reason to be, from previous attacks. Maybe just realize that she was scared and thus acted like it and move on with your fucking life, since it's not actually a referendum on you or your pet.

I saw that exhibit in person and let me assure you that it was distinctly unsettling.

Only if you interpret "live in fear" as "afraid to leave the house." But ask those same female friends of yours how many of them have worn headphones to keep strangers from talking to them, or walked to their car with their keys between their knuckles, or used the buddy system when out drinking with friends, or walked

That's what I meant when I said "I just want them to give me a chance." So why did you assume I thought they owed me something?

And again, use the internet you spew idiocy so freely upon to educate yourself about biology and anatomy.

Continue to fuck off, creepshow. No need to wish anyone dead, we already know you despise women and care only about yourself.

Fuck off, creepshow.

Oh for fuck's sake. Well I've lost family members to terminal humorlessness and deliberate sexist ignorance, and yet here you are, gasbagging away.

Stop being an ignorant misogynistic creep and you'll stop getting notifications. Here's a hint: if you learn about female biology and stop making false, incorrect, sexist, woman-hating statements that minimize the absolute brutality and devastation of FGM, your argument against circumcision will actually be STRONGER,

Nope. Noooope. Nope! Nopity nope. Go to bed, junior.

Oh, have they? Citation needed. Do you somehow think that the clitoris is a recent evolutionary development? And no one said you're circumcised. See, you doesn't always mean YOU. Did no one teach you that when you learned this "simple English" of yours?

Uh. Women have been doing what for centuries? Having a clitoris? Because yes, they have. What stupid-ass point are you failing to make here? And if men didn't have foreskins from birth, they would function properly, and far more so than a woman who has lost her primary method of experience sexual pleasure. What's your

Men can feel pleasure from having their earlobes rubbed, do you think having your earlobes removed is the same as snipping off the tip of your dick? Many women get nothing from g-spot stimulation. The clitoris is the primary source of stimulation for ALL WOMEN, it is the equivalent of the entire head of your penis in

Well 1) lesbians, and 2) given that the women themselves were the active and direct force in making this video and it's not pornography by any means, I don't think you can boil it down to "intended to arouse" specifically. Women's pleasure, as opposed to a presentation of women's pleasure as a response to men (because