
What about the women that didn't end up on the video, who felt shamed because they didn't want to? What about the women who felt shamed by being approached by random strangers and asked to engage in a sex act in public - but for charity!

Obviously you assume that since you didn't see any women become visibly flustered or embarrassed or humiliated, that there weren't any. It just magically happened that every single woman they asked was down for it and had fun. They didn't edit out anyone at all. Nope. There were no women who went home feeling dirty

Right? They're all cute, but she is tremendous.

Who says the video is for men?

Uh, you think the clitoris is there for EXTRA pleasure? Something tells me you spend a lot of Saturday nights at home curating your bottle cap collection.

Oh honey. Just reexamine your feelings about women, you don't have to kick up such a fuss.

Nope. You're wrong, and also a shitbag.

It is just so adorable how you say you're against bigotry and discrimination and then call someone a "fag." You're like a precious little performance art piece.

"I am generally pretty respectful of women" is entirely disproven by "to be honest, I don't care if it alienates female gamers."

How about men who like looking at half-naked women can either find real live women who would like to be naked with them, or pay for porn?

And he left Chile before he was even a year old and has no memory of it whatsoever. Grew up entirely in America. No accent, went by Peter throughout high school. You know something really crazy? Pascal isn't even his real last name! And even if he'd lived his entire life in Chile and arrived to the GoT set via direct

Lol he ain't Chilean, bub, I know him. He's from fucking Orange County. Posting their casting call sheets when the casting practices themselves are the problem is pointless. I most definitely will be watching season 4. I'm just not a blind, slavering fanboy who's never questions the racist practices of the film

Yes. And your point is racist bullshit. We're agreed. Hey, know all those Arabs and Berbers? Why weren't they cast in non-slave roles? Hey, know how there are tons of main cast member roles that don't have to be white? Why aren't they cast with non-white actors? Hey, know how two POC Summer Islander characters in the

Oh for fucking fuck's sake. Just say you're committed to racism and be done with it.

I have read the books. We're not talking about the books. We're talking about the show. They managed to hire plenty of white people for plenty of other inconsequential and temporary roles. You're a condescending jackass. Fuck off.

Uh, since you didn't write the show I don't give a shit what YOU said. The show itself is based on a Medieval-era type society, but operates with a level of violence and brutality that was common in post-colonial slave trade locations that would be unsustainable in a feudal system, given that dead peasants can't send

Um, fat pink mast and Myrrish swamp??

Let me guess, your hero is the network guy who pushes for full frontal female nudity in every scene possible.

The political intrigue, sure, but the horror? Medieval Europe didn't function with that level of brutality. It couldn't have. GoT takes chattel slavery-era levels of brutality and applies them to a feudal society in Westeros, which wouldn't really work.

I actually wouldn't mind it quite as much if it weren't always a) unequal between male and female characters (at least on this particular show, I hear Rome and Spartacus were all about the dick), and b) sexualized. It'd be nice to see characters naked in more naturalistic ways - all kinds of characters with all kinds