
Aren't you too busy masturbating over your own sense of self importance to type?

cookiemonster84 version: I'm a self-righteous fuckbagel who can't read good and doesn't realize that you can't call something delusional when it's an exact recounting of the happenings in the article.

She was, of course, not being any such thing. You and everyone else manufacturing reasons to insist she was are transparent as fuck. By the man's own words, she did not jostle him or encroach on his space, and the MULTIPLE people slamming her for doing so made that tidbit up on their own, for pathetically obvious

She said "staggering on just before the doors closed." Guess what, after the last person staggers on and there are no more people actively waiting to board and it's departure time, they close the doors. It does not imply any delay whatsoever in the plane taking off.

This makes literally no sense. Are you arguing that she touched him or arguing that she didn't? The guy himself objected to something that had nothing to do with anyone or anything touching him. Did you miss that? That's okay. That same text can be read in the original article where it originally occurred. Let me know

Lol. Pathetic.

I know you think you're getting away with something by criticizing her for not saying excuse me and violating some sacred tenet of social interaction, even though she did NOTHING WRONG and said "Hey, sorry, that's my seat" in a situation where by definition, people on the aisle will have to get up to let someone else

Not only excuses, they're compelled to invent things that simply do not exist in the article. This whole "she encroached on his space, she bumped into him!" nonsense is flat-out incorrect and not even IMPLIED in the article, let alone stated. And yet, probably 75% of the assholish comments reference it like it's

You missed the part where she never leaned over him or touched him or invaded his space. Otherwise, super cool story, bro. Also, did it ever occur to you that some fat people have anxiety about being touched or crowded as well?

So she's under an obligation not to "start shit" by responding, but he's not under any obligation not to ACTUALLY start shit by muttering and sniping about ostensible manners? That's a curious methodology you have there.

Oh, I know enough about you.

This is idiotic. Would he (and you) have preferred that she let him get up and then made him stand there in the aisle while she put her bag in the overhead? Doubtful. She indicated she'd need to get past him to her seat, while being apologetic and polite about it, and then moved to put her bag away. Presumably he

The original article makes it very clear that he never objected to her violating his personal space or hitting him with her bag, so no, you're still an ass. Matt Bomer agrees, sorry. :(

Did you miss the part where she relayed his own words wherein he objected to her not getting out of the way fast enough for him and said nothing about her invading his personal space? I mean, fucking hell, the sheer number of people willfully misreading this article kind of prove her point.

She never said she was late to the plane, or that it was held up. She said she almost missed it. Running down the concourse and getting to the gate just as the last people are boarding is almost missing it. You're manufacturing content.

If it makes you more comfortable to look at it that way, sure. And ell oh fucking ell at the person gabbling about how she possibly hit him with her bag, when it says right in the article, IN HIS OWN WORDS, that he wasn't objecting to anything like that at all, casting any aspersion about someone else reading into

Sorry you have a disgusting soul :( Sorry you can't imagine a world where someone who isn't fat can still have compassion and empathy and human respect for fat people. Sorry you exist to make life worse for other people just because you think you're an expert because you got a "tummy" for five minutes once and you

Go fuck yourself too, sweetcheeks.

Ooh, you tried, but that doesn't count as fucking yourself (though it might say a lot about your self-image). You keep at it though! Someday you'll get there! Try, try again, little buddy!

Lol, bullshit you don't. Go fuck yourself. Were you the kid in school who was nonstop misery for everyone to deal with because of your aggressive hatefulness?