
Certain phones are definitely easier, but a locked bootloader shouldn't be a deterrent for you to buy a phone. My Atrix has a locked bootloader, and everyone bitched, and yet there is a Cyanogen beta build. It would have been faster without, yeah, but regardless.

My band is flying from CT to Florida to play a show, and we waited a day to book tickets till we confirmed the show 100%. The return flight price went up over $100. (Leaving on the 4th, coming back on the 6th of November).

Normally I'm in the "Ugh another Apple/iPhone post" but today, this one made me chuckle.

If the 5mp camera means it has a REALLY nice imaging sensor, then that's perfectly fine with me.

Has everyone forgotten the Atrix? The back looks just like this, but it's just plastic.

Pandora is great if you're trying to find things that sound similar. Pick a band you like or a genre you want to check out, then create a Pandora station. Pandora has no limit to listening anymore, so if you can deal with a short commercial every once in a while it's great.

Welp, that won all my remaining internets for the week.

As against this whole injunction crap as I am, Samsung really messed something up.

"Now Mrs. Riley, and ONLY MRS. RILEY, how many fingers am I holding up now?"

At first I thought, eh.

Postagram sends post cards taken from your phone anywhere on the PLANET for only $1.

I think Google really pioneered this more. My phone already syncs contacts, documents, music (Google Music), photos (via Google+), and even Android apps, wallpapers and settings. If I get a new phone, or have to reflash my current phone, when I log in with my Google account, everything is there. My apps are

I didn't even know people still bought ringtones. I feel like I've been making my own since before 2004.

My biggest problem is that it's not enough to buy a $70 floor ticket anymore. If you want to be in the front, you have to shell out extra cash to be able to cut the line.

You, sir, win all my internets for the rest of the week. A well thought out, articulate response combined with There's Something About Mary?

I hate how they keep using outdated Android phones in their comparison. For example the Atrix has 2.2, but in reality it's had Gingerbread for months.

Agreed. That being said, I rooted my phone and froze all the Blur apps and installed LauncherPro. Absolutely 0 lag anywhere, and my battery easily lasts all day.

So...it's ok to give teenagers cancer to save a handful of jobs?