
Well, actually since the iPhone 3GS will be offered free with contract, they do have a budget phone. But even when it gets iOS5, it won't have all the same features. For instance, it won't get Siri. I'd almost call this fragmentation, but iPhone die-hards would probably try to kill me haha.

No I understand. My previous post was just what I thought AT&T's policy was haha.

Hmm...my Atrix, with the same speeds, only says H+. I thought "4G" was reserved for AT&T's LTE, and "H+" for the HSPA+ radios?

81 million GBAs. I'm sure there's probably more iOS devices, but regardless, the limiting factor is the AppleTV and GameCube.

Actually, both Four Swords and Crystal Chronicles only required four GBAs, not the games (just the one GameCube game). Also, there have been many, many more GameCube sales than Apple TV (Apple TV has only a couple million).

No, you're right. Even the Nexus One was a hell of a phone, and still today people use it a lot. It's approaching two years this winter. The problem is that many people just don't buy high-end Android phones. Those are the ones that last forever, have great hardware, and actually get new updates. That's the

Does anyone remember linking 4 Game Boy Advances to a GameCube? It was cool, but ultimately no one used it and it never took off.

Have you been looking at article comments? In general, there are many more people disappointed in the new iPhone than previous ones. My point isn't that EVERYONE is disappointed, just that there are more than usual.

It looks to me like the guy is just not that smart. I think he's looking through the camera at the phone, and just isn't able to use his depth perception. I've seen people do this on many, many YouTube videos, even on devices I've used with no trouble.

Google and Samsung have a lot of momentum behind the Nexus, especially since many people seem to be disappointed by the iPhone 4S. If they're announcing a new date "soon," it better be like...today that they announce it.

Comedian Demetri Martin

iPod classic, 20 gig.


The same BGR that said iPhone 5 a Spring exclusive? Forgive me if I just wait a few days.

Exactly. People would be more impressed if Siri was the first of its kind, but any Android phone with 2.2 can use Google Voice Actions (2.2 came out in June 2010). You don't need a new phone, just an upgrade. Siri offloads its processing via the internet, so no one is really sure why you need a new phone. Plus,

Android (please note it's called Android, not Droid) voice commands are pretty good. I can say "Text Ryan I'm on my way" and it sends my brother a text. "Navigate to Taco Bell" starts up my phone's GPS (yes, more than just a map with directions) and automatically navigates there. I used to use an app called Tasker

What does the Yankees coach know about photography?

The reason it's a disappointment is that it's on par with a phone from April of this year. The SGS2 also has a dual core processor, more RAM, bigger screen (lower rez though), 8mpx camera, 2mpx front camera. Cards? Use Postagram. Same thing but only $1 to send a card anywhere in the WORLD. I've had this on my

Remember Gattica? I don't want to even THINK about him increasing his height...

Nope. Your fingers pivot when you use them (like a circle). So, you can reach the top, middle and bottom of the screen easier, without having to move your hand.