
Yeah, I think the blue line makes it worse. Next time you're out, check out a Nexus S. It's curved, too, but it's actually a nice feature.

Human legs aren't perfectly straight up and down. They curve a bit. Also, if you put the phone face down, the screen isn't resting on a table. It moves the mouth piece closer to your moth when talking on the phone.

Please please PLEASE don't let this be plasticy, Samsung. I want it to feel like my old N1 :(

Am I the only one that has no idea what's going on?

Uhm...no, not even close. A family plan for 4 people would consist of something like, 60 dollar base plan, 10 per line (so 90), then say 30 for unlimited messaging (this is AT&T). So $120 per month for 4 feature phones.

This. If a family can't spend money on a 4 or 4s, they shouldn't be spending $3,000 on 4 smartphone plans over 2 years.

The Zune 80/120 is still the best hard drive based PMP, hands down. I don't know what I'll do when mine finally bites the dust.

I still use my 80gig Zune daily. Crack in the screen from when I slammed my car's center console on it, but it works flawlessly.

I had a Bowling & Nachos night once, and I have to say, it was even better than I expected.

Netflix, please pick up Better Off Ted. That is still the single greatest show of all time, and (sorry Firefly) deserves a revive more than any other show.

They would really need to step up the iPad UI. I don't like the homescreen system Apple has at all. Big fan of widgets/live tiles (widgets). I like Honeycomb as a general OS, but the new Windows 8 looks incredible. If iOS6 for the iPad 3/4 looked radically different, then I'd give it a look.

$400*, and I gave a single example. I use my Xoom daily.

eBay actually. Hell of a deal.

I'm not going to say I'm not at least BIASED, but I try not to be a loyalist. I'm probably going to replace my Xoom with a Windows 8 tablet, for instance, unless Android steps their game up.

At the time, the 3g/4g one was $700-$800, and I got mine for $400. I was actually looking for Wifi but found this at the same price.

I sometimes feel like every time I read a post by Sam, there's shots at Android haha.

I don't think that makes a whole lot of sense. If they wanted to make money off Android, they wouldn't give it away for free. They make money on the searching and advertising.

Pretty unnecessary Android hate honestly. I got my Xoom really cheap, and I love it. It's fast, the Honeycomb apps are great (others very lacking) and the browser is top notch. It's been great in the recording studio, to jot down ideas, sync lyrics, and play Angry Birds while waiting for my drummer to get a decent