
Every time I've put a tarp under a tent, and it's rained, all the tarp did was provide a place for water to collect under the tent.

This happened to me too! I hadn't seen the episode yet. I was livid.

You know, normally when you read an interview by a celebrity, they repeat themselves a lot and in general their wording is very bland. Matt Smith's interviews are always great. He seems very well spoken.

Art style reminds me of this: http://geoaday.tumblr.com/

Have a Galaxy Nexus. Running 4.2.2, the latest Android OS since the day it was available.

I bought a Fuelband because they said the Android app would be ready in June 2012. And now they changed their minds?

I'm ok with JJ. He grew up on Star Wars like the rest of us, and made a great Star Trek film despite knowing nothing about it.

Had the Fuelband since around March? I've worn it non-stop. Mine had a data syncing error in the summer that was fixed with a new unit (free from Nike, great customer support).

Slightly off-topic but what's up with the Octopus on the wallpaper? Mark Hoppus of blink-182 has been using that exact octopus as his personal logo (picks, shirts, printed on his basses, etc) for over 3 years.


Android has this built in now. Either Jellybean or ICS added it (don't remember which).

True, I don't work for Apple and my IP isn't in question. And as I've said, my biggest gripe is with the patent system. But don't forget how Apple "patented" mutli-touch, a technology that existed and was in products years before the iPhone.

That's my point, is that you shouldn't be allowed to patent a cell phone look. Even if that was the case, LG could argue prior art.

The original one didn't. It was just the touch screen. Looks strikingly like an iPhone 4/4s

Obvious spoiler alert:

Yeah sorry, meant Prada.

And the LG Prada predates the iPhone. Let's just stop the bans.

...are you joking me? I'm very disappointed Google.

If I remember correctly, the gameplay was mostly the same. My problems with the game were the story mode and the quick time events during boss fights. I think it had the same web slinging mechanic, but hopefully someone can back me up on that.

Ganner Rhysode made a similar last stand to Gandalf on Coruscant fighting the Yuuzhan Vong.