
These are fantastic. The one captioned "Concept Art, (Not Prometheus!), 2011" isn't Arthur C Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama, is it?

I think Rush Hour 3 was a pretty big let-down from 1 and 2.

May want to make a note of what explicitly ISN'T important, too. For example, digital zoom is the most useless feature in a digital camera.


The One X didn't start the photos during video thing. My Galaxy Nexus does that with the stock camera. Is it an ICS thing?

The End Of The World...do you mean Emma Watson?

Interesting read, although I completely disagree with "Which diagram is easier for your eyes to follow?"

Rounded corners are really a plus in the iOS Hipmunk? Have you seen Ice Cream Sandwich? It's all lines and sharp corners. That's the design and that's what makes it look good. I think the Hipmonk one looks better on Android (or at least the same, since both versions blend with their respective platforms).

Android support really has me at a !!!!!!!!!!!

Sci-Fi Crimes by Chevelle is a great album.

I don't really think it's questionable. If you say something out loud, in public, you can't just "delete" that (take it back) and pretend it never happened. It happened. There's just more proof of the occurrence now.

Elektra is a fair point. I actually forgot that happened haha.

Scarlett isn't really that wrong. Every Marvel film so far has been the hero saving the world and the girl. Even in DC films, Catwoman? That movie doesn't exist. Wonder Woman hasn't taken off. In this current age of super hero films, she's correct, BW is the first female hero.

Froyo wasn't even announced until Google I/O in May 2010, and even then it wasn't released till June.

The PS3 was doing Netflix in 1080p before the 360 actually, so should probably be included?

You know there are in-betweens, right? My Motorola Atrix is basically the same dimensions as an iPhone 4s, but with a .5" larger screen. iPhones have a very real, big bezel. My finger can easily reach every corner of the screen, and the extra .5" REALLY comes in handy when using my phone as a GPS. I feel like it's

Square was also a much smaller company with more limited resources. In addition, Android has grown significantly since Square's release.

I can't believe this thing isn't supporting Android at launch. The Square system gives you a completely free reader and costs nothing up-front. The same device works on both Android and iOS.

Google's caches the maps now. An update a while back changed that.

They can do whatever they want with maps, but they really need something that competes with Navigation. Easily my favorite Android feature.